Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


An estimated 10 Shabaab fighters ambushed a Kenyan Defense Force patrol in Lamu and killed two soldiers. The Kenyan troops killed at least one Shabaab fighter after destroying a pickup truck in a counterattack.


The military said it killed 20 Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham fighters during a raid on a camp in Al Sadda near Fallujah. The ISIS executed eight soldiers after stopping their bus in Sulaiman Bek.


Eight soldiers and 30 Houthi fighters were killed during clashes in Amran. Security forces killed a Yemeni al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander in Baydah, and captured three AQAP fighters in Azzan.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 14 people, including five policemen and soldiers, in attacks in Mosul, Baghdad, and Mahmoudiya. A candidate in the recent election was kidnapped in Baghdad. Iran is calling on Iraq to send more than 3,000 members of the People’s Mujahideen Organization of Iran home to face a […]


Yemeni officials said that two Saudi al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed yesterday in a clash in Azzan. The military killed five AQAP fighters in Shabwa. Gunmen in Marib destroyed power lines to Sana’a for the seventh time this month.


The Interior Ministry claimed that 38 “rebels” were killed during security sweeps. The Taliban killed a policeman in a bombing in Herat and a civilian in a grenade attack in Nangarhar. Afghan Border Police were killed while clashing with Pakistani forces in Kandahar. Residents of Nuristan claimed that Pakistani troops disguised as Taliban are attacking […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed five Awakening fighters in Balad and two soldiers in Baghdad. Security forces killed eight ISIS fighters while sinking their boat on the Tigris river south of Mosul. The military destroyed three ISIS camps in Rawa.


The US has released 10 Pakistani prisoners from the Bagram Detention Facility. Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani will face each other in a runoff vote for president that will take place on June 14. Taliban fighters executed one of their commanders in Faryab province.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 29 people in a series of attacks in and around Baghdad. In one attack, Army officers were executed after being stopped at a fake ISIS checkpoint. Security forces captured six Ansar al Islam fighters in Kirkuk.


Yesterday, 10 Yemeni soldiers and 13 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during clashes in Azzan and Gol al Rayda in Shabwa. AQAP stormed a police station before withdrawing from Azzan. The military launched airstrikes in Azzan today.

AQAP military official killed in 2013 drone strike

Sarhan Abdullah Ali al Nasi, or Khishiman, was recruited into al Qaeda by Anwar al Awlaki. Starting as a driver, Khishiman rose through the ranks to serve as a member of the Military Committee and emir of Al Jawf and Saada provinces.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham killed 24 people, including three soldiers, in a series of bombings in Baghdad. In Rashad, a suicide bomber killed five soldiers. The ISIS’s spokesman rejected Ayman al Zawahiri’s plea for the group to quit Syria and return to Iraq.


The military killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters after they shelled an army headquarters in Marib province. The military also killed a Saudi AQAP fighter in Shabwa. AQAP gunned down an intelligence official in Lahj.


The US killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a drone strike on a vehicle in the Wadi Abida area of Marib province. Security forces killed Majed al Matiri, a local AQAP commander from Saudi Arabia, during fighting in Shabwa.


A suicide bomber killed five civilians while attacking an Afghan Army convoy in Kandahar. The Taliban also killed five soldiers in IED attacks. The military claimed it killed 41 Taliban fighters in Farah and 10 more in Kunduz.


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham captured and then executed 20 Iraqi soldiers in Ain al-Jahash in Ninewa province. The ISIS also killed six policemen, six soldiers, and a member of the Ninewa provincial council in attacks throughout the country.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed 10 soldiers and a civilian in an attack at a military police headquarters in Mukalla. Yemeni officials claimed that security forces have killed and wounded hundreds of AQAP fighters and dozens of leaders during operations in the south since April 29.

Al Qaeda

Debate grows over proposal for CIA to turn over drones to Pentagon