Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Kurdish members of parliament as well as cabinet ministers said that they would boycott the government. The military claimed it killed 35 Islamic State fighters in Fallujah and Ramadi, 30 more in Rabiah, and an additional 25 Islamic State fighters in Babil. The Islamic State killed four policemen near Tikrit.


The Taliban took control of Char Sada district in Ghor. A suicide assault team killed four policemen and five civilians in an attack on the police headquarters and the governor’s compound in Kandahar. The military said it killed a senior Taliban commander and 17 fighters in Helmand. Two soldiers were killed in IED attacks.


On the road to Samarra, glimpses of Iraq’s new fractured reality


The Islamic State killed the commander of the Iraqi Army’s 6th Division in Karma. The bodies of 50 people who were executed were discovered int he city of Iskandariyah. Five people were killed in two bombings in Hillah. Prime Minister Maliki accused the Kurdish Regional Government of providing safe haven and support for the Islamic […]


A Taliban suicide bomber killed four Czech soldiers, two policemen, and 10 civilians in an attack in Parwan. The Taliban also claimed to have killed and wounded 18 Afghan troops in Herat. The NDS claimed the Taliban’s shadow governor of Badakhshan and 14 fighters were killed. Presidential candidate Abdullah rejected the preliminary election results.


The government said the Islamic State has taken control of the Muthanna Chemical Weapons complex in the Thar Thar area northwest of Baghdad. The Islamic State has rounded up scores of Baathists in Mosul. The military claimed it killed dozens of Islamic State fighters north of Bayji.


The Pakistani military claimed it killed “scores” of “terrorists” during airstrikes in Miramshah in North Waziristan. “Most of the terrorists killed in strikes are Uzbeks,” the ISPR claimed. One soldier was killed in an IED attack in the tribal agency.


The Taliban torched upwards of 400 fuel tankers and supply trucks in an attack on a trucking terminal in Kabul province. Several drivers are reported to be missing. The military said it killed six Taliban fighters in Badakhshan and 11 more in operations in Nangarhar, Kunduz, and Kandahar.


Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the emir of the Islamic State who is now called Caliph Ibrahim, gave a sermon at the “Grand Mosque” in Mosul. The Iraqi military claimed the sermon was faked. An Iranian colonel is confirmed to have been killed while fighting in Samarra. Prime Minister Maliki relieved the commanders of Iraq’s ground […]


The Yemeni military killed an estimated 70 people in airstrikes that targeted Houthi rebels north of the capital of Sana’a. The air force launched the airstrikes after the most recent peace agreement with the Shia rebels broke down.


At least two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in an assault on the government complex in Baydah. Seventeen people were killed during fighting between tribes and government forces in the south. Ansar al Sharia, AQAP’s political front, claimed it killed 20 Houthis in Al Jawf.

Islamic State consolidates gains in eastern Syria

With the fall of Mayadin as well as Shujail, the home town of the Al Nusrah Front’s emir, the Islamic State controls contiguous territory along the Euphrates River Valley from the town of Jarabulus, which borders Turkey, in Syria’s northern Aleppo province to the town of Anah in Anbar province in Iraq.


A suicide bomber killed eight members of the Afghan National Air Force in an attack on a bus in the capital of Kabul. The Taliban claimed the suicide attack in Kabul. Security forces captured nine members of a suicide cell in Khost.


Prime Minister Maliki offered amnesty to Sunni tribes that are supporting the Islamic State and other insurgent groups. Security forces clashed with a Shia militia in Karbala; several security personnel and followers of Mahmud al Sarkhi were killed.


Sunni and Kurdish members of parliament left the assembly after the Shia-led State of Law coalition failed to name a replacement for Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki. More than 2,400 people were killed in Iraq last month, the highest monthly toll in seven years. The US has ordered the evacuation of some embassy personnel in […]


The Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham announced the formation of the Caliphate, changed its name to the Islamic State, and named Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as Caliph Ibrahim. The Iraqi military is reported to have withdrawn most of its ground forces from Tikrit after entering the city just one day ago. Heavy fighting […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters attacked a hospital in Hadramout yesterday; four AQAP fighters and two soldiers were killed in the fighting. A Saudi citizen who was held hostage by a tribe has been freed.