Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Pakistani military claimed it killed 28 foreign and local “militants” in airstrikes in the Shawal Valley in North Waziristan. Locals said that “nine women, six children and two civilian men” were killed in the airstrikes. The US is thought to have killed six al Qaeda operatives in the July 10 drone strike in the […]


The US killed 15 Taliban fighters in an airstrike in Logar. The strike was said to have been carried out by a drone. The Taliban killed two people in a motorcycle bombing in Logar.


Twenty-seven people were killed in a series of bombings in Baghdad. In one attack, a suicide bomber killed nine people at a checkpoint. The Islamic State reportedly overran Camp Speicher outside of Tikrit. The group claimed to have destroyed nine aircraft and killed two senior officers and scores of troops. The Islamic State expelled Christians […]


UN accuses Islamic State of executions, rape, child abuse in Iraq


Four Taliban fighters were killed while launching rocket attacks on Kabul International Airport. The Interior Ministry accused the Haqqani Network and Pakistan’s military intelligence service of directing the Kabul attack. The Taliban killed two civilians in a rocket attack in Kunar. General Dunford warned that al Qaeda is likely to return in force to Afghanistan.


An Islamic State suicide bomber from Australia killed five people in an attack at a Shia mosque in Baghdad. Islamic State fighters set up a sophisticated ambush to repel government forces in their attempt to take control of Tikrit.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two policemen in an attack on a police camp in Baydah. Two policemen were kidnapped in Baydah two days ago. At least 35 people were killed as government forces battled Shia Houthi rebels in Amran over the past several days.


Weeks of combat in Iraq show Shiite militias have few offensive capabilities


For Iraq, debacle in Tikrit as forces walk into trap set by militants


Top Marine commander: Iraq chaos shows costs of US withdrawal


Expansion of ‘secret’ facility in Iraq suggests closer US-Kurd ties


Fifteen Taliban fighters and seven security personnel were killed in fighting in Laghman. Ten Taliban and seven policemen were killed in clashes in Ghor. The Taliban killed eight civilians in an IED attack in Kandahar and two Afghan soldiers in a bombing in Nangarhar.


The government is sending 4,000 Shia militiamen to serve in Ramadi, the provincial capital of Anbar. Human Rights Watch said the Iraqi military executed 255 prisoners to retaliate for Islamic State murders. Secretary of Defense Hagel said the US is not coordinating military operations in Iraq with Iran or Russia.


Iraqi soldier tells of desertion as militants attacked refinery: ‘Our officers sold us out’


In Iraq, death toll rises among Shiite recruits battling insurgency


The Taliban killed six de-miners in an attack on a convoy in Herat and a general in a magnetic mine attack in Kabul. The European Union said the results of the presidential election must be audited. The United Nations said civilian casualties are the highest they have been since 2009.