Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Reports of Taliban surge are exaggerated, says incoming ISAF commander


The military claimed it killed 100 Taliban fighters in the Zhari district in Kandahar. Officials claimed to have killed 29 Taliban fighters during raids throughout the country. The governor of Ghor province said that the Taliban commander involved in the recent execution of 16 people was released from prison three months ago. “Gunmen” executed a […]


The Islamic State is thought to have taken control of the town of Zumar after fighting with Kurdish forces. The military claims it killed 13 Islamic State leaders, including a Syrian, in Muqdadiyah, 60 Islamic State fighters near Haditha, 20 in in Tikrit, 20 in Sharqat, 18 north of Fallujah, and 15 more in the […]


Iraq struggles to halt Islamic State’s march on Baghdad


The military killed 27 people during airstrikes in Jurf al Sakhar, which is under control of the Islamic State, and seven more near Fallujah. Shia militias executed 15 Sunnis in Baqubah, and then hung their bodies from electrical poles. A Hezbollah trainer was killed during fighting in northern Iraq.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula gunned down an infantry colonel as he was driving in Lawdar in Abyan province. The colonel led troops in an offensive against AQAP in Abyan in 2012. AQAP released photographs of the March 18 suicide attack on a military intelligence headquarters in Lahj.


An Islamic State suicide bomber destroyed a key bridge in Thar Thar that was used by the Iraqi military to keep Samarra resupplied. The military claimed it killed 14 “gunmen” in Fadhliyah and 10 Islamic State fighters north of Baqubah. A small Awakening force is said to be organizing in Mosul to fight the Islamic […]


Police found the bodies of 17 people thought to have been executed in different areas of Baghdad. Security forces killed 17 people in Jurf al Sakhr, which is largely controlled by the Islamic State. The Army claimed it killed a Tunisian commander in the Islamic State and six of his bodyguards in Karma. The Islamic […]


At least eight people are thought to have been killed when al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula launched suicide assaults against three military outposts in Abyan province on July 26. The US Embassy has made contact with Sharif Mobley, an American who is wanted for killing a Yemeni guard as he escaped custody while at […]


The military claimed it killed 35 Islamic State fighters in Dhuluiyah, 17 fighters in Tikrit, and seven more in Karma. The military also said it killed a sniper from Kazakhstan in the Hamrin Mountains. The Islamic State destroyed a mosque at the tomb of Jonah and the mosque of the prophet Seth in Mosul.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed four soldiers at a checkpoint in Baydah. Houthi rebels claimed to have withdrawn their forces from Amran. A British citizen who was kidnapped in February was released.


The Taliban executed and beheaded 15 civilians in Ghor and executed an accused murderer in Ghazni. The military claimed it killed 29 Taliban fighters during operations in Nangarhar, Wardak, Herat, and Helmand.


The government will put the Army in charge of security for the capital for three months. The Taliban killed two soldiers in North Waziristan and Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Aurakazi.


The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south and two female aid workers from Finland in Herat. A suicide bomber killed a police official in Nangarhar. Another suicide bomber killed a policeman in Kunduz.


Unidentified “gunmen” killed 52 prisoners and eight policemen during an ambush on a prison convoy in Taji. The military claimed it killed 28 Islamic State fighters in Dhuluiyah. Parliament elected Fouad Massoum, a Kurdish politician, to serve as president.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters gunned down an Army major in Lahj. Five soldiers and two tribesmen were killed during clashes in Marib. On July 21, the US Embassy issued a travel warning and urged Americans to leave the country “due to terrorist activities and civil unrest.”


The military claimed it killed 20 “militants,” including foreign fighters, during airstrikes in Shawal in North Waziristan. A senior Pakistani military claimed that the government is targeting all Taliban groups, “irrespective of their nationality, ethnicity or group affiliation”.


Five Taliban fighters and three policemen were killed in clashes in Badakhshan. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Nangarhar and five more in Badakhshan. The Taliban executed a cleric in Helmand for having links to the government. A suicide bomber killed a policeman in Kunduz.


The Islamic State took control of a state-run pharmaceutical company north of Mosul. Parliament has postponed a decision to announce Iraq’s new president. Eight people were killed during fighting outside of Ramadi. The government said it would arm the tribes in Ninewa, Salahadin, and Anbar to fight the Islamic State.


The Taliban reportedly took control of an area of Faryab province; 31 Taliban fighters and nine policemen are said to have been killed in three days of fighting. A Taliban suicide bomber killed five foreign security guards in an attack at Camp Gibson in Kabul. Security forces killed a Taliban shadow district governor and 13 […]


A suicide bomber killed 21 Iraqis, including seven policemen, in an attack at a checkpoint in Baghdad. The military killed 19 people, most of them civilians, in airstrikes in Fallujah and Garma. The Islamic State released photographs of its training camps in Ninewa.