Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The military claimed it killed 23 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in North Waziristan. The Interior Ministry warned the government of Sindh province that jihadists may target officials and buildings in suicide attacks. Police seized more than 500 pounds of explosives in Quetta.


The military claimed it killed 11 Taliban fighters in North Waziristan and another 23 in Khyber; three soldiers were also killed. Police killed seven “militants” in Karachi. Al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS) claimed that Pakistani Navy officers were involved in the failed attempt to hijack a Pakistani warship and launch missiles at US […]


The US launched seven airstrikes against the Islamic State near Irbil, the Haditha Dam, and southwestern Baghdad. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 16 Islamic State fighters in northern Babil and a military commander and four aides near Mosul. The military also said it has launched clearing operations in Rawa and Anah. Prime Minister Abadi […]


The US has launched five airstrikes in southwestern Baghdad and Irbil against the Islamic State. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 16 Islamic State fighters near Bayji and launched an operation in Jurf al Sakhar. The Islamic State killed four Iraqis in mortar attacks in Dhuluiyah. General Dempsey said US ground troops could engage in […]


The military claimed it killed 15 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in North Waziristan. A tribal policeman was killed as “armed men” attacked a polio vaccination team in the Pishin district in Balochistan. The military said that the Taliban’s ability to conduct attacks has been degraded.


Mideast’s complexities confound US efforts to build coalition against Islamic State


The military claimed it killed 18 Islamic State leaders in Babil and 17 more near Tikrit. The Islamic State killed three Awakening fighters and five civilians in IED attacks in Madain and Abu Dashir. Iran rejected a US offer for talks on fighting the Islamic State.


Islamic State rebuilds its manpower In Iraq and Syria


Officials reported that 25 people were killed as tribesmen linked to the Muslim Brotherhood clashed with Houthi rebels in Al Jawf. Security officials said that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is moving operatives into the capital of Sana’a as part of an effort to exploit the Houthi crisis.


The Iraqi military claimed it killed 35 Islamic State fighters in Jurf Al Sakhar. The US destroyed an Islamic State mortar emplacement and an armed vehicle in two airstrikes near the Mosul Dam. Prime Minister Abadi suspended Iraqi air and artillery strikes on residential areas. The Obama administration is using the 2002 AUMF to justify […]


White House: Iraq war vote Obama opposed could be used for ISIS strikes


Premier Haider Abadi’s new Iraq government


The military claimed it killed 130 Taliban fighters during a month-long offensive in Kunduz; the Taliban are still said to control the district that was the target of the operation. The Taliban created the “Department of Prevention of Civilian Casualties.” The Taliban kidnapped a district governor in Paktia.


The Iraqi military claimed it killed 50 Islamic State fighters in airstrikes in Jurf al Sakhar. US destroyed two Islamic State “armed vehicles” in two airstrikes near the Mosul Dam. Yesterday, 17 Iraqis were killed in bombings in Diwaniyah, Najarf, Karbala, and Baghdad.


A rebel group in Kidal in northern Mali captured an al Qaeda operative known as Meherig Jafar and transferred him to Malian security forces. Jafar is believed to be a deputy to Mokhtar Belmokhtar, a senior leader in the al-Murabitoon Brigade, which is separate from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb but loyal to al […]


The US destroyed two Islamic State machine gun emplacements and a bunker in two airstrikes near the Mosul Dam. The Iraqi military claimed it killed nine Islamic State fighters and three leaders in airstrikes south of Baghdad and north of Mosul.


Five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including a Saudi and an individual who shares the nom de guerre of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s emir for Mahfad, are reported to have been killed in the first drone strike since mid-August. Seven civilians were killed in bombings in Amran.

Jamaat-ul-Ahrar celebrates 9/11 attack

“In 2001, Afghanistan was the only Islamic Emirate in the world but now Jihad has spread to a vast swathe of land including Pakistan, Chechnya, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, Algeria, Mali and Nigeria,” the group states.


President Obama said his strategy to defeat the Islamic State will mirror that of US actions in Somalia and Yemen, will use air power, and will not include ground forces. The US launched an airstrike agains the Islamic State near Irbil. Iraiq special forces killed seven Islamic State fighters outside of Fallujah. The military claimed […]


The Afghan government claimed the US killed 11 civilians in an airstrike in Kunar. Security forces claimed to have killed 10 Taliban fighters in Kunduz; one security official was also killed. The Taliban killed five policemen in Laghman and another policeman in Kunar.


The US launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State near the Haditha Dam. The Iraqi military claimed it cleared the Islamic State from Barwana near Haditha; the military also claimed it cleared Barwana last week. The Islamic State kidnapped 20 people, including five policemen, in a village near Tikrit.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed two soldiers and wounded seven more in a suicide attack and assault on a checkpoint in Hadramout province. Police opened fire on Houthi protesters and killed seven of them after they attempted to storm government buildings in the capital of Sana’a.