Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Jihadists killed six Egyptian security personnel in an IED attack in Al Arish in the Sinai Peninsula. The attack took place in the same area where two policemen were killed in an ambush with RPGs three days ago.


Afghanistan’s intelligence service captured Haqqani Network leaders Anis Haqqani and Hafiz Rashid during a raid on Oct. 14. Anis is the son of the group’s emir, and Rashid is a senior military commander. Security forces killed an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commander in Takhar. The military claimed it killed 39 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar and […]


The Islamic State killed 47 people in a series of attacks that included a suicide bomber, roadside bombs, and mortars, in Baghdad and areas south of the capital. The Iraqi military killed three Islamic State fighters in Mosul. The US and allied did not launch any airstrikes in Iraq; 14 strikes were launched in Kobani […]


Houthi rebels took control of the city of Ibb and advanced to the outskirts of Rada’a,where they fought with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. AQAP killed a Huthi military officer in Sana’a. Yesterday, a US drone strike killed an AQAP commander and three fighters in Shabwa.


The Iraqi military claimed it defeated Islamic State assaults on Ramadi and the oil refinery in Baiji, and killed 22 Islamic State fighters in Diyala. The US launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State near the Haditha Dam and Baiji; three Islamic State fighters were reported killed in the attacks.


Military chiefs: Islamic State has ‘tactical momentum’


Serious disagreements remain in US-led coalition battling the Islamic State


The Islamic State killed Ahmed al Khafaji, a member of parliament as well as a senior commander in the Shiite Badr militia, and 20 other people in a suicide attack in Baghdad, and 2 “volunteers” south of Tikrit. Eight Islamic State fighters and two Iraqi soldiers were killed during a clash at a military base […]


Iraq’s Shia militias kill Sunni civilians in retaliation against ISIS, Amnesty says


The Taliban killed 22 Afghan soldiers and policemen in an ambush on a convoy in Sar-i-Pul. The Taliban killed one person in suicide attacks in Nangarhar and Kabul. The Taliban executed a woman in Kunar for spying. Afghan officials claimed that ISAF accidentally killed seven civilians in an airstrike in Paktia.


The Islamic State killed four policemen and a militia fighter in attacks in Samarra. Security forces claimed to have killed “dozens” of Islamic State fighters in Jurf al Sakhar.


Turkish sources deny giving Washington the use of bases to fight Islamic State


A suicide bomber killed three soldiers and three civilians in Wardak. The Taliban killed a pro-government militia leader in Ghazni and two policemen in Kunar. The Afghan military claimed it retook control of Sangin district in Helmand.


The Islamic State killed 25 people in a triple suicide attack north of Baqubah, six Iraqis in a bombing in Baqubah, and 23 more civilians in a pair of bombings in Baghdad. The Islamic State also assassinated Anbar province’s chief of police. The US and allied countries launched five airstrikes against the Islamic State in […]


A suicide bomber killed two policemen and wounded five more in an attack outside of a police headquarters in Lashkar Gah, the capital of Helmand. The US killed a Taliban district commander in an airstrike in Herat. Afghan intelligence disrupted a Taliban plot to carry out a complex suicide attack in Baghlan.


A suicide bomber killed 11 Iraqis at a market north of Baghdad. A Shia militia killed four Iraqi soldiers near Udaim. The Islamic State executed two civilians in Fallujah, and a reporter and three family members in Salahaddin. An Iraqi tribe killed five Islamic State fighters near Baiji. US and Dutch warplanes launched three airstrikes […]


The Islamic State executed eight Iraqis near Tikrit and Kirkuk. The US launched one airstrike against the Islamic State near Baghdad. The Iraqi military claimed it killed 30 Islamic State fighters in Anbar and the group’s second in command in Babil and four more fighters.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it carried out two attacks in Sana’a over the past two days. An attack on Oct. 10 targeted Houthi leader Ibrahim al Mahtouri with a “sticky bomb” attached to his car. A suicide attack in the capital on Oct. 9 killed dozens of Houthis.


The military claimed it killed Shehata Farhan, a senior leader in Ansar Bayt al Maqdis, or Ansar Jerusalem, during a raid in Rafah. The military also claimed it killed Mohamed Abu Shatiya, an Ansar Jerusalem military commander, also in Rafah last week.