US adds Mullah Fazlullah to list of global terrorists
Fazlullah has presided over the fracturing of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, which remains a dangerous terrorist group.
Fazlullah has presided over the fracturing of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, which remains a dangerous terrorist group.
Hundreds of Boko Haram fighters assaulted and took control of the Multinational Joint Task Force base in Baga, Nigeria. The base was used by troops from Nigeria, Niger, and Chad to conduct counterterrorism missions.
The Hafiz Gul Bahadar Group was the target of the attack, and a “high-value target” is reported to have been killed.
The Taliban have released videos of two training camps in northern Afghanistan over the past two weeks.
The US military described Tahlil Abdishakur as the “chief of al-Shabaab’s intelligence and security wing” and the head of the group’s “external operations.”
Somalia’s National Security Agency said that the US killed the leader of the Amniyat. The US military later confirmed the report.
The US has launched multiple airstrikes and raids against Shabaab’s leadership cadre over the past decade.
Around an invisible leader, Taliban power shifts
Brigadier General Hamid Taqavi served as an “adviser to the [Iraqi] Army and the popular mobilization of the Iraqi people,” a reference to the Shiite militias.
Asmatullah Muawiya is said to have been targeted in one of the two strikes that took place today in Shawal area of North Waziristan in Pakistan.
Muhammad Aftab Suleman, of Manchester, was charged with five terrorism offenses following his arrest on Dec. 20 as he tried to fly to Pakistan. On Dec. 19, counterterrorism police raided his home, confiscating computers and phones. Suleman had allegedly traveled to Syria, Pakistan, and Qatar over the past year, returning to the UK in November. Police have already seized […]
A Jordanian pilot was captured by the Islamic State after his plane went down in northeastern Syria. The US-led coalition conducted seven airstrikes in Syria on Dec. 23. “At least 1,171 people have been killed” by the airstrikes since the start of the campaign, according to SOHR; this tally incudes 1,046 members of the Islamic State, 72 members of Al Nusrah, […]
The Jordanian Armed Forces confirmed that one of its aircraft has been shot down over Syria and its pilot is in the hands of the Islamic State.
The Pakistani military claimed it “cleared” the Datta Khel area in September 2014 as part of operation Zarb-e-Azb. The US has launched seven drone strikes in Datta Khel since then.
Among those killed was Abu Musallam al Turkumani, a top deputy of Abu Bakr al Baghdadi. Turkumani served in Saddam Hussein’s military before joining the Islamic State.
The strike is the fifth that has targeted Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan fighters and leaders operating inside Afghanistan since the last week of November.
Pakistan’s refusal to sever ties with the so-called “good Taliban” has allowed groups like the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan to fester.
More than 100 high school students are said to have been killed as Taliban fighters fanned out and killed everyone in their path.
The Taliban launched suicide bombings, assassinations, IED attacks, and ambushes in the capital and four provinces over the weekend.
Taliban suicide bombers struck a military bus and at a high school in the Afghan capital.
Muhammad Khurasani said that “the impure apostate Pakistani military martyred Sheikh Adnan Shukrijumah” on Dec. 6.
The ongoing targeting of al Qaeda commanders in Pakistan’s tribal areas refutes past claims by US officials that al Qaeda is “decimated” and that only two relevant leaders remain.
Latif Mehsud and two others detained by US forces in Logar, Afghanistan in 2013 have been handed over to the Pakistani authorities.
Forty special operations troops assaulted an al Qaeda compound in the southern province of Shabwa in an attempt to free American photojournalist Luke Somers.
Pakistan claimed it killed Adnan Shukrijumah in a raid in South Waziristan. Shukrijumah, who was wanted by the US, was al Qaeda’s operations chief for North America.
Dozens of fighters fanned out across the Chechen capital and attacked police and other government targets. The Press House was set ablaze.
Mullah Fazlullah, the emir of the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan, was the target of one of the three recent strikes in Nangarhar province.
The Taliban and Afghan security forces have been fighting inside Camp Bastion for three days. Hostages may have been taken in the attack in Kabul.
Members of the Haqqani Network, the Hafiz Gul Bahadar Group, and “Uzbeks” are reported to have been killed in an attack in the Shawal Valley.
The accusation is made as the US has extended the combat mission in Afghanistan for one year.