Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.
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Generation Jihad Ep. 65 — CDR Salamander on the Ukraine War

Host Bill Roggio is joined by Commander Salamander, a retired U.S. Navy Commander. Since 2003, like Bill, Sal has been closely tracking and analyzing military issues on his “Commander Salamander” blog and is widely seen as a trailblazer in the arena. The two discuss the ongoing war in Ukraine following Putin’s invasion. 

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Generation Jihad Ep. 64 — Minority Report: Ukraine

Bill Roggio provides an update on the current situation in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion, including a clear-eyed and sober analysis of what’s actually happening on the ground. Bill reminds listeners that the West must understand the enemy and how — if we want to help Ukraine — we must be honest about its predicament.

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Generation Jihad Ep. 63 — Know Thine Frenemy

Host Bill Roggio is joined by Hussain Haqqani, South and Central Asia Director at the Hudson Institute and Pakistan’s former Ambassador to the U.S., for an update on Pakistan — from the Taliban’s victory in resurrecting the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan to the Pakistani state’s hospitality for jihadis and possible future scenarios for Pakistan, its neighbors, and the region.

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Generation Jihad Ep. 61 — The State of the Jihad

Bill Roggio is joined by Edmund Fitton-Brown, Coordinator of the United Nations Security Council Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team, to discuss the findings from his team’s latest report on the statuses of ISIS and al-Qaeda. 

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Generation Jihad Ep. 60 — Iran’s global terrorism strategy

Bill Roggio is joined by FDD’s Senior Vice President for Research Jonathan Schanzer to have a wide-ranging discussion about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s role as the world’s largest state-sponsor of terror — ranging from its illicit nuclear program to its destabilization of the region via its proxy terrorist groups.

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Ep. 59 — After Qurayshi: The State of the Islamic State

Yesterday, the U.S. conducted a raid in Syria that led to the death of ISIS leader Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurayshi. Host Bill Roggio is joined by Craig Whiteside to unpack the raid and discuss what might happen next within ISIS — including what Qurayshi’s succession might look like.  Powered by RedCircle Take a look around […]

The Dynamic Terrorism Landscape and What It Means for America

On Feb. 2, Bill Roggio testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security at a hearing titled, “The Dynamic Terrorism Landscape and What It Means for America.” His testimony focused on the state of Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, state sponsors of terrorism such as Iran and Pakistan, and the growing threat of global jihadism.

In fight against Islamic State, the Taliban holds major advantage

The Taliban has the advantage in all of the key areas, save one. The Taliban has state sponsors, terrorist allies, regional support, a marked superiority in weapons and numbers, and controls all of Afghanistan. ISKP can only match the Taliban in one area, and this the will to fight and persevere.

Taliban overrun Herat City, Qala-i-Naw

Herat City is the Taliban’s biggest victory since it began taking control of provincial capitals in late July. With the fall of Herat and Qala-i-Naw, the Taliban now fully controls the west.

Taliban advances on Herat City

The Taliban is fighting inside Herat City, has seized control of a key district, and has taken control of the road that connects the provincial capital with the airport.