Two men sentenced to 25 years in plot to attack Americans in Afghanistan
Two men sentenced to 25 years in plot to attack Americans in Afghanistan
Two men sentenced to 25 years in plot to attack Americans in Afghanistan
Yemen’s Shiite rebels threaten to arrest, charge ministers
France seizes passports of six alleged jihadis bound for Syria
Carter summons US military commanders, diplomats to Kuwait.
Kerry and Iran’s Zarif meet again in Geneva in search of a nuclear deal.
Islamic State a serious threat to Pakistan, Foreign secretary admits.
French aircraft carrier begins Iraq operations
Russian offers Iran latest anti-aircraft missiles
Iraqi forces prepare for Tikrit offensive
Turkish military enters Syria to evacuate soldiers, relocate tomb
US military reveals massive plan to attack, retake Mosul from Islamic State
The strike is the third this year in the province of Shabwa, which known haven for AQAP and its leadership cadre. A previous attack in Shabwa killed Harith bin Ghazi al Nadhari, one of the jihadist group’s senior ideologues.
Yemen’s former leader flees to Aden
New US defense chief: withdrawal from Afghanistan under review.
Boko Haram attacks island on Niger side of Lake Chad.
Army major, eight militants killed in North Waziristan, Kurram clashes
Al Qaeda’s branch in Somalia continues to demonstrate that it can penetrate security at the heavily protected areas in the capital and carry out deadly attacks.
Waking Iraq’s Sunnis to crush Islamic State
Guantánamo conviction of Australian is overturned
Qatar recalls ambassador from Egypt in dispute over Libya airstrikes
White House denies US scheduled to meet with Taliban on peace deal
Afghan Taliban deny reports of peace talks: spokesman
Pakistani Taliban claims attack on Rawalpindi imambargah, three killed
Civilian toll in Afghan war rose in 2014, UN reports
U.S. identifies 1,200 potential fighters for Syria training
The Taliban continue to exact a heavy toll on poorly armed and trained policemen, who have been thrust into the front line of Afghanistan’s insurgency.
CIA is said to have bought and destroyed Iraqi chemical weapons
Pro-Iran militias’ success in Iraq could undermine US
Egypt bombs Islamic State targets in Libya after 21 Egyptians beheaded
Police arrest two on suspicion of aiding Copenhagen shooter