Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces detained 18 al Qaeda operatives in Saadiya, three members of an al Qaeda assassination team in Diyala, and eight wanted men in Basrah. Insurgents killed a policeman and attempted to assassinate a member of parliament in Baghdad.

The next Petraeus: What makes a visionary commander, and why the military isn™t producing more of them


A suicide bomber detonated his vest in Makhachkala, the capital of Dagestan, as security forces were carrying out a sweep in the city. The blast wounded 30 people. Security forces killed seven “militants” during raids in Dagestan; two policemen were also killed.


More than 30 Taliban fighters were killed in an air assault in Laghman. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Khost, Paktia, Paktika, Wardak, and Helmand. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in the south and east.

United States

The Obama administration asked a federal court to dismiss a case that seeks to block the US from targeting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Anwar al Awaki. The case “would require the disclosure of highly sensitive national security information concerning alleged military and intelligence actions overseas,” the government said.

Ambush on Yemeni troops takes place near Zindani’s university

Abdulmajid al Zindani. An interesting tidbit of news from today’s al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula attack in Sana’a that killed two Yemeni security officials. According to Xinhua, the attack took place near Abdulmajid al Zindani’s Iman University: Two intelligence agents were killed and eight others wounded in an al-Qaeda attack on their bus in […]


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Penisula fighters killed two intelligence officials and wounded eight others in an ambush on their bus in Sa’ada. AQAP escaped the military operation in Huta, according to a Yemeni official. The governor of Shabwa denied his province is an al Qaeda haven.


Police are questioning a Canadian of Pakistani origin in connection to a bomb threat that forced an airliner traveling from Canada to Karachi, Pakistan, to make an emergency landing in Sweden. No bomb or explosives have been found on the airplane.


Security forces killed a suicide bomber outside a mosque in Mosul and detained 31 al Qaeda fighters and insurgents in Touz. Insurgents killed four Iraqi children and an Iraqi Army major in Baghdad.


ISI’s sudden turnaround: Says terror bigger threat than India


Thirty people were killed and more than 75 were wounded in fighting in Mogadishu; most were killed by mortar fire from African Union forces. The African Union has pleaded with the United Nations to increase funding for the Somalia mission to support 20,000 troops.


Police arrested Omar Awadh Omar, the second in command of the Saleh Ali Nabhan Brigade, the Shabaab cell that carried out the July 11 double suicide attack in Kampala that killed 76 people. Omar, Kenyan national, was detained along with Al Amin Kimathi, a Muslim human rights activist.


US and Afghan troops killed five suicide bombers in a failed attack on FOB Gardez in Paktia. A Taliban suicide bomber killed a child in Balkh. Security forces killed and several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kabul, Khost, Paktia, Helmand, Kandahar, and Uruzgan. ISAF released three journalists detained earlier in the week.


“Militants” have invited terrorists from Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan to join their ranks and help establish an Islamic Emirate in Indonesia. Indonesian and Australian forces will hold join exercises in Bali.


The Malaysian government repatriated Mas Selamat Kastari, the leader of Jemaah Islamiyah’s network in Singapore. Kastari escaped from Singaporean custody in 2009 and was arrested in Malaysia in 2009.


Five terrorists were killed during a raid in Dagestan; a suicide vest was found during the raid. Chechen President Kadyrov is leading an operation against the Caucasus Emirate in a remote mountainous region; one soldier has been killed.


More than 40 people have been reported killed in clashes between a government-backed tribe and Houthi rebels in Sa’ada. The military claimed the town of Huta in Shabwa province has been cleared of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters.


The Taliban killed two people in attacks on NATO fuel trucks in Khyber and bombed two girls’ schools in Peshawar. Security forces detained 30 “militants” in Khyber. Five people were killed in ethnic violence in Karachi.


Insurgents killed five Iraqis in two bombings in Baghdad, and a relative of a senior intelligence officer in Al Kut. Iraqi forces detained 14 wanted men in Basrah and five more in Wasit, and detained three men who attempted to assassinate the Thi Qhar police chief.


Security forces captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Khost, Zabul, and Helmand. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. The Czechs will boost their forces in Afghanistan by an estimated 200 soldiers.


Nineteen people were killed and 71 more were wounded in the latest round of fighting in the Somali capital of Mogadishu. Shabaab announced a new offensive “to eliminate the invading Christians and their apostate government.”

Al Qaeda

The US sentenced Aafia Siddiqui to 86 years in prison for attempting to murder US federal agents while in custody in Afghanistan. Siddiqui is an MIT-trained Pakistani neuroscientist linked to al Qaeda. She was carrying instructions to make deadly chemicals when she was captured.

Combat Outpost Spera: ‘The Last Outpost’

Al Jazeera has a fascinating documentary on Afghan soldiers at Combat Outpost Spera, the base that was attacked by the Haqqani Network just two days ago (the attack failed miserably, see LWJ report, US troops defeat Haqqani Network assault on base in Khost for more details). At 44 minutes, it’s long, but well worth it. […]


Security forces arrested 28 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in the town of Huta in Shabwa province. The government denied the US was aiding the Huta operation as reinforcements have been sent to the town.


An Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan spokesman took credit for the Sept. 19 ambush that killed 25 Tajik troops, and threatened to carry out further attacks in the Central Asian country. Security forces killed five men thought to be sheltering IMU commander Mullo Abdullo.