Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Basra in southern Iraq has been transformed – thanks to oil

The Taliban

The US indicated that more Taliban leaders could be removed from the UN list of designated terrorists. NATO has facilitated the movement of Taliban leaders into Kabul to conduct negotiations with the Afghan government.


The Taliban killed six NATO soldiers in separate attacks in the south and east, and a tribal elder in Uruzgan. A suicide bomber killed only himself in the first recorded suicide attack in Ghor. Security forces killed and captured numerous Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Zabul, Kandahar, Khost, Wardak, Kunduz, and […]


France has advised the families of expatriate workers based in Yemen to leave the country due to the deteriorating security situation. Yemen has increased security measures in the southern al Qaeda stronghold of Abyan province.


Police arrested 15 Pakistani nationals in the southern province of Yala who are suspected of having links to terror groups. One of those arrested transferred money to a “blacklisted” Pakistani group.


The chief minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa said the government may provide security to NATO convoys moving through Pakistan. Security officials claimed US helicopters violated Pakistan’s airspace at Chaman. Security forces killed four “extremists” in Mardan. More than 30 people have been killed in violence in Karachi.


Police arrested three suspected terrorists involved in the Sept. 9 suicide attack in Vladikavkaz, the capital of North Ossetia, that killed 17 people and wounded more than 200. The National Anti-terror Committee said the three men were members of Doku Umarov’s Caucasus Emirate.


Security forces killed and captured numerous Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Uruzgan, Kandahar, Khost, Zabul, Paktia, Kunduz, and Nimroz. An Afghan interpreter was killed in an RPG attack on a helicopter in Kunar; the Taliban claimed it shot the helicopter down. The Taliban killed six civilians in Paktika and an ISAF […]


Security forces detained 24 wanted men in Maysan, 10 terrorists in Mosul, two wanted men in Tal Afar, and an al Qaeda leader in Wasit. Insurgents killed an Iraqi soldier in a bombing in Baghdad.


Twelve people were killed in heavy fighting between Shabaab fighters and Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Pirates released Puntland’s Minister of Ports & Marine Transport after holding him captive for several hours; two of his bodyguards were killed during the kidnapping.

AQAP announces formation of 12,000-strong army. Again.

Abu Hurayrah Qasim al Raymi, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s military commander. In an audiotape yesterday, Qasim al Raymi, military commander for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), announced the formation of the “Aden-Abyan Army.” From AFP: “We are preparing to implement the first steps of the Aden-Abyan Army to defend the nation […]


Police detained three suspects thought to be involved in the bombings at a soccer stadium that killed two people. Qassim al Raymi, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninisula’s military commander, announced the formation of the 12,000-strong Aden-Abyan Army.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released the second edition of the English-language Inspire magazine. The magazine features American citizens Anwar al Awlaki and Samir Khan; Khan’s article is entitled “I Am Proud to be a Traitor to America.” The magazine provides advice on how to kill Americans.


The US killed 20 Haqqani Network fighters and a commander in an airstrike in Paktia and nine Taliban fighters in a strike in Herat. Twenty Taliban fighters were killed in Ghazni during a clash with a security company. The Taliban killed three civilians in Zabul and an ISAF soldier in the south.


The head of the Indian Army said that security forces killed between 35 to 40 Pakistani terrorists who were trying to infiltrate Kashmir. “In the last two months, we have had approximately 20 to 25 attempts and the total number of terrorists killed during this period has been about 35 to 40,” General V.K. Singh […]


Iraqiya may be willing to give up the post of prime minister if given an equal share of power in a new government. Al Qaeda fighters dressed as soldiers executed four Awakening fighters in Baghdad. Five people were killed in an attack at a bankin Baghdad.


Three people were killed during mortar exchanges between Shabaab and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Unconfirmed reports claim that a helicopter fired on pirate skiffs off the coast of Warsheekh. Somali pirates kidnapped 20 Filipino sailors and hijacked their ship.


The US ambassador said America is “committed to working with the government and people of Yemen to defeat Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and to secure Yemen’s borders.” Police arrested a suspected al Qaeda operative in Lahj. Civilians fearing a military offensive are fleeing the Yashbum Valley in Shabwa province.


US Predators killed seven “militants” in a strike in North Waziristan. The Taliban took credit for destroying 27 NATO fuel trucks in Mithri and bombed three girls’ schools in Mohmand. Former President Musharraf said he backs talks with the Taliban.


Police arrested two Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives in Tongi on the outskirts of the capital of Dhaka. Wazed Khan, a Pakistani national who is an explosive expert for a cell, and a Bangladeshi named Abu Bakar Siddique were captured on Oct. 9; explosives were also found during the raid.


The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers and five civilians in IED attacks, wounded 17 civilians in a suicide attack in Khost, destroyed five NATO supply trucks in Zabul, and bombed a cell tower in Baghlan. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban and Haqqani Network leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktia, Khost, Kunduz, […]


Insurgents killed three policemen and five civilians in attacks in Dhi Qhar, Baghdad, Mosul, and Fallujah. Security forces arrested a key leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq in Tal Afar. The government aired the confessions of two al Qaeda operatives involved in a plot to attack the Iranian, Egyptian, and German embassies.


The African Union claims it is in control of 45 percent of Mogadishu. Shabaab has banned M


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed an attack late last month that killed a security official. “Gunmen” attacked a power station in Marib. The US ambassador to Yemen said the country is a key ally in combating terrorism in the region and the world.


Jundallah kidnapped a nuclear worker and said information on Iran’s program would be released if 200 prisoners were not released; Iran said the kidnapped man was just a laborer. Iran’s atomic energy chief admitted Western agents penetrated security at nuclear facilities, but said the problem has been contained.