Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

Al Qaeda

Coalition and Afghan forces killed Gul Nabi, a mid-level Taliban commander and an al Qaeda associate, during a firefight in the Pech River Valley in Kunar. Nabi “facilitated the movement of Pakistani and Arab fighters into Kunar province.”


The Caucasus Emirate launched a suicide assault on the Chechen parliament in the capital of Grozny this morning. The suicide team penetrated security and entered the building before being killed by security forces. Four terrorists and four policemen were killed.


Al Qaeda fighting ‘guerrilla war in southern Yemen’


Security officials claimed that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters are cornered in the town of Tha’aba in Abyan province. The Specialized Criminal Court in Sana™a postponed the trial of four AQAP cell members.


US Predators killed six “militants” in a Predator strike in Datta Khel in North Waziristan. Security forces foiled a suicide attack in Lakki Marwat. The Taliban torched two NATO tankers in Quetta and Kalat. Eight more people were killed in violence in Karachi.

ISI shelters Osama bin Laden, Zawahiri. Shocking!

This month’s winner of the coveted Captain Louis Renault Award is a simple choice. Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence Agency is sheltering al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and his second in command, Ayman al Zawahiri. Oh, and they’re operating somewhere in Pakistan’s northwest, in the vast region between Kurram and Chitral (note: they are not in […]


The Taliban killed 11 security guards, five policemen, and three civilians in attacks in Helmand, Herat, and Ghazni. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, and Baghlan. The US said Iran has a role in resolving the Afghan conflict.


Shabaab and government forces continued to fight in the town of El-gal in Beledweyne. The Somali government called on Somalis to turn in Shabaab and foreign fighters. Farah Maalim, the Deputy House Speaker for Kenya and an ally of the Islamic Courts, accused the US of genocide in Somalia.

Al Qaeda

A NATO official said Osama bin Laden is in Pakistan’s northwest and is being sheltered by members of Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence directorate. Bin Laden is believed to be in the region between Chitral and Kurram.


Saudi intelligence officials warned France of a plot by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula to carry out attacks in Europe, and specifically in France. The information was confirmed by French Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux, who said “The threat is real and our vigilance is total.”


A court sentenced Saleh al Shawish, an admitted bomb maker for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, to death for aiding in attacks on multiple military, civilian, and oil installations. “God willing your demise is in our hands, starting in Abyan,” Shawish defiantly told the court.


Linda Norgrove: how the rescue operation was bungled (Afghanistan)


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Logar, Khost, Paktika, Ghazni, and Badghis. The Taliban killed two civilians in Kandahar and a Swedish soldier in Balkh. Twenty-one Taliban fighters surrendered in Kunduz.


Insurgents killed three civilians and a soldier in separate attacks in Baghdad and Mosul. Three soldiers, two gunmen, and two civilians were killed during a robbery attempt at jewelry stores in Baghdad.


Security forces killed three Islamist fighters from the Rasht Valley during an operation in eastern Tajikistan. Security forces also captured 14 Islamist fighters during a raid in the Istaravshan district in the north; the fighters are suspected of being involved in the Sept. 3 suicide attack that wounded 30 policemen.


Doku Umarov reorganized the Caucasus Emirate’s military command in Chechnya and ordered Muhannad, an Arab commander, to appear before the sharia council for organizing opposition to his rule. Gunmen killed two policemen in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya.


Five people were killed in fighting between Shabaab and Hizbul Islam forces in the Bakara market in Mogadishu. More than 20 people were killed during the fighting between Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama™a in Dhusamareb. Somali troops claimed to have taken control of Balad-hawo.


Yemen aircraft bombed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula training camp and a compound in Abyan province after AQAP fighters ambushed a military convoy; 11 AQAP were reported killed. Security forces killed two AQAP suicide bombers in Abyan.


“Iran is trying to wreak havoc on the region and trying to destabilize the region by destabilizing Iraq and destabilizing Lebanon and destabilizing the Palestinian issue,” former Iraqi Prime Minister Ayad Allawi said. Iran warned the media not to publish news about the political opposition to the current regime.

Pakistan is not conducting ‘surgical’ raids in North Waziristan

Buried at the end of this Wall Street Journal article on Admiral Mike Mullen’s infatuation with Pakistan (a topic worthy of a book in itself), are these two completely false paragraphs that claim Pakistan is conducting covert operations against al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the Haqqani Network based in North Waziristan: Pakistan currently conducts “surgical” […]

Taliban spokesman: Qari Hussain Mehsud is alive

The Pakistani Taliban are denying reports that Qari Hussain Mehsud was killed in a recent Predator strike. Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan spokesman Azam Tariq has contradicted news reports about Qari Hussain’s death in a drone strike and described it as part of a campaign to demoralise the Taliban. Talking to reporters from an undisclosed location on Saturday, […]


Sixteen people were killed in attacks in Karachi. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters and detained another in Swat. The Taliban bombed a school in Peshawar.

ISAF launches operation in Kandahar’s Panjwai district

ISAF and Afghan forces launched a combined operation into Kandahar’s Panjwai district, a Taliban stronghold. Three villages are the target of the operation, which is being carried out by US and Canadian forces, as well as more than 800 Afghan troops. From The New York Times: Hundreds of Afghan and American troops on Saturday made […]


Coalition and Afghan forces launched offensives in Panjwai in Kandahar and the Pech River Valley in Kunar. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Helmand, Takhar, and Ghazni, detained two leaders in Helmand and Paktika, and freed 37 prisoners held by the Taliban in Helmand. The Taliban killed four people in bombings in Uruzgan and […]