Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The president of Puntland, a semi-autonomous region, claimed that its security forces killed 96 Shabaab fighters under the command of Mohamed Said Atom in the Galgala region. The president said Shabaab fighters are now based in the Sanaag region in Somaliland.

United Kingdom

An appeals court ruled that the British government cannot strip Abu Hamza al Masri of his British passport. Abu Hamza is a radical al Qaeda preacher who has been jailed for soliciting the murder of non-Mulsims and other charges. The US is seeking the extradition of Abu Hamza.

The Taliban

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Tariq Azam denied that leaders Hakeemullah Mehsud and Qari Hussain Mehsud were killed in US Predator strikes. The Taliban would continue to attack Pakistani security forces, Azam said.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The US cannot confirm if a bomb was responsible for the destruction of a UPS carrier in the UAE on Sept. 3, as al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed. The UAE said it is investigating the crash. A court ordered Yemeni security forces to capture Anwar al Awlaki.


Iran said it suspended the trial of three Americans hikers captured near the Iran-Iraq border last year. One of the Americans has been released and returned to the US. Iran has accelerated the construction of a natural gas pipeline to Pakistan.


The Taliban attacked two mosques in Pakistan’s northwest. A suicide bomber killed more than 60 people in an attack at a mosque in Darra Adam Khel. A Taliban fighter killed three people in a hand grenade attack in Peshawar.

AQAP claims parcel plot, downing of UPS flight

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula recently released a statement on jihadist forums taking credit for the recent parcel bomb plot. Interestingly enough, AQAP also claimed it detonated a UPS plane over Dubai on Sept. 3, and accused the Obama administration of hiding the attack. From the AQAP statement, which was obtained by LWJ: We […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

In a statement released on jihadist forums, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed credit for the foiled parcel bomb plot as well as the downing of a UPS flight over Dubai in September. “We say to Obama, we have struck your jets three times in one year and we will continue, God willing, to […]


A suicide bomber killed 10 people and wounded the chief of the Faryab provincial council. Security forces killed and captured Taliban and Haqqani Network leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, and Parwan. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in the south and the east.


A senior Shabaab leader said that the terror group would strike in the capitals of Uganda and Burundi if their troops did not leave Somalia. “We will attack Kampala and Bujumbura and there will be mass exodus of civilians just like Mogadishu,” he stated.


In a statement released on the Internet, al Qaeda in Iraq threatened further attacks in the country. “What they have seen in that night is the beginning of the downpour, and one day out of many bloody days awaiting them,” the terror group said.


The US Treasury sanctioned leaders of Pakistan-based Jaish-e-Mohammed and Lashkar-e-Taiba terror groups. The military killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The government fired 800 education employees for failing to stop Taliban attacks on schools.

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri, al Qaeda’s second in command, issued a videotape calling for the release of Pakistani scientist and al Qaeda operative Aafia Siddiqui, who is in prison in the US for attempting to kill US law enforcement officials. Zawahiri threatened attacks in the US and Pakistan if Siddiqui is not released.


Security forces killed and captured Taliban and Haqqani Network leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktia, Khost, Logar, and Nimroz. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Twenty Taliban fighters surrendered in Herat.


Two people were killed in a car bombing in Dalea province. More than 130 employees of the Yemen Airways Company at Sana™a airport are under investigation for connections to the parcel bomb plot. US military officials want to increase military aid to Yemen by $100 million.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

YouTube has begun to remove hundreds of sermons and other videos made by Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula cleric Anwar al Awlaki. YouTube began removing the videos after the parcel airline bomb plot from Yemen was discovered.


Police arrested two brothers accused of having “links to a criminal enterprise with a view to preparing a terrorist act.” Interior Minister Brice Hortefeux said 27 of 85 terror suspects detained this year remain in custody.


The Kurdistan Freedom Hawks, a faction of the Kurdistan Workers Party, claimed it carried out the Oct. 31 suicide attck in Istanbul that wounded 32 people. “We as TAK claim responsibility for the action carried out against the police force of Turkish fascism at Istanbul’s Taksim Square,” the groups said in a statement released on […]

Palestinian Territories

An Israeli unmanned strike aircraft killed Mohammed al Nemnem, a senior operations commander of the al Qaeda-inspired Army of Islam. Nemnem was involved in “directing a terror attack against American and Israeli targets in the Sinai Peninsula, in cooperation with Hamas elements in the Gaza Strip,” the IDF stated.


The Taliban killed three policemen in Helmand, two soldiers in a suicide attack in Khost, two ISAF soldiers in the north and the south, and a security guard in Paktia. Security forces killed and captured Taliban and Haqqani Network leaders and fighters in Helmand and Khost.

United States

A federal court indicted three Muslims from San Diego for conspiring to aid Shabaab. One of the men, Saeed Moalin, was in direct contact with Aden Hashi Ayro, the former military commander of Shabaab who was killed in a US airstrike in 2008.


Shabaab fighters killed three Somali soldiers during fighting in Mogadishu. The African Union authorized more than 800 Somali police officers to be trained in Kenya and Djibouti.


The military killed an al Qaeda fighter during a clash in Abyan. A court convicted 16 members of an al Qaeda cell in Hadramout province. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula urged the Awlaki tribe in Shabwa not to cooperate with the government.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda in Iraq vowed to carry out suicide attacks against Christians worldwide. “All Christian centers, organizations and institutions, leaders and followers are legitimate targets for the muhajedeen wherever they can reach them,” the terror group said in a statement released on Jihadist forums.


The US Treasury designated Jundallah, which is also known as the People’s Resistance Movement of Iran, as a terrorist organization. Jundallah has carried out several suicide attacks against the IRGC.

African Union, Somali forces lose ground in Mogadishu

Since the end of the summer, several African Union officials have claimed that Shabaab and Hizbul Islam were being driven back in Mogadishu. These reports coincided with claims that a serious rift had developed between Shabaab’s top two leaders. The claims of a split in Shabaab proved false, and, based on this report from The […]