Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces arrested radical al Qaeda cleric Omar Bakri at his home in Tripoli. Bakri was convicted last week of “belonging to an armed group with the aim of carrying out terrorist acts and plotting to kill Lebanese soldiers.”


Security forces killed Caucasus Emirate commander Sakhratula Nazhmudinov and two fighters during a raid in Dagestan. Nazhmudinov masterminded the suicide attack that killed four soldiers on a military base in Buinaksk in September.


Iran’s air defense chief said Israel is too weak to attack the country’s nuclear plants. “They weren’t able to even defeat Hezbollah and Hamas, which are just manifestations of [a part of] our power,” Brigadier General Miqani stated.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula denied its operatives were plotting to attack pilgrims during the hajj to Mecca and Medina. “Al Saud’s desperate attempt to stamp out the mujahideen has made them fabricate lies,” AQAP said in a statement responding to the Saudi interior minister.


Security officials denied reports that al Qaeda operatives who recently left Iran have settled in Yemen. Germany lifted the ban of passenger flights originating from Yemen.


A suicide bomber killed one person in an attack in Doulatpur at the home of a member of parliament. Afaz Uddin, the MP from the Awami League party, escaped the attack unhurt; two people are reported to be in critical condition.


US Predators may have killed four civilians in a strike in the Mir Ali region in North Waziristan. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Kidnappers released the Afghan consul general in Peshawar after two years of captivity.


A suicide bomber killed eight civilians, a police commander, and a guard in Kunduz. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in the south. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters and commanders in Helmand, Khost, Logar, and Baghlan, and repelled an assault on a base in Nangarhar.


Iyad Allawi, the leader of the Iraqiya party, said a power-sharing deal with Prime Minister Nouri Maliki is off the table, although some members of his party may join the government. “We think the concept of power-sharing is dead now,” Allawi said.


Hassan Dahir Aweys, the leader of Hizbul Islam, called for increased operations against Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Aweys, who is connected to al Qaeda, made the statement in public while preaching at a mosque in the Bakara market in Mogadishu.


The chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee lifted a hold on $100 million in aid to Lebanon’s military. The UN is concerned that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon has raised tensions in the country, and Hezbollah has made no efforts to disarm.


Senior Yemeni tribal leaders said they would not hand over al Qaeda ideologue Anwar al Awlaki to the government, and denied there was an agreement with the Yemeni government to do so. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed it attacked a natural gas pipeline in Shabwa province.

Taliban claim attack on Jalalabad airfield

The Taliban took credit for today’s assault on Forward Operating Base Fenty at the Jalalabad airport in Nangarhar province, in which at least six Taliban fighters were killed, the assault force was routed, and no Afghan or US casualties were incurred. The statement, released by spokesman Zabihullah Muhajid at the Voice of Jihad website, is […]


Brigade 313, al Qaeda’s military arm in Pakistan, and the Taliban carried out the Nov. 11 assault on the police investigation headquarters in Karachi that killed 17 people. Several members of the assault team escaped.


Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters and commanders in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Nangarhar, and Kunduz. The Taliban killed five security guards in Helmand and an ISAF soldier in the east. A suicide bomber killed a civilian in Kabul.


Security forces captured six al Qaeda operatives in Wasit and three wanted men in Kirkuk. The brother of an Awakening Council leader was reportedly killed during a joint US and Iraq raid in Fallujah. A Diyala council leader escaped an assassination attempt in Baqubah.


Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, said that the terror group would not turn over any members accused in the assassination for former Prime Minister Hariri. “We will cut off the hand that tries to get to them,” Nasrallah said.


Eleven people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and government and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Security forces detained more than 40 people during an operation in Mogadishu; most were later released.


General Saleh, the commander of the Central Security Forces and Yemen’s counterterrorism forces, denied reports that Western intelligence services established a command center in his country. France provided intelligence to Saudi forces during their war with Yemeni Houthi rebels.


A court sentenced radical al Qaeda cleric Omar Bakri to life in prison for training terrorists at a camp near Tripoli. Bakri was one of 25 people sentenced to life for terror-related charges by the military court.


Seven policemen and four “gunmen” were killed during a shootout in Machackala, the capital of Dagestan. A soldier died in a blast in Chechnya on Nov. 9. Chechen President Kadyrov spoke out against Wahabi Islamists.


A suicide assault team killed 18 people in an attack on a police headquarters in Karachi. US Predators killed six Haqqani Network fighters in North Waziristan. Pakistani aircraft killed six Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Taliban torched two NATO supply trailers in Mastung.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed 19 Taliban fighters in Kandahar and four more in Logar. The Taliban killed the son of a US Marine general in an IED attack in Helmand on Tuesday.


Iraq’s main political parties have reached an agreement to form a new government, more than eight months after the election. Prime Minister Maliki and President Talibani will retain their posts, while a leader in Iraqiya will become the speaker of parliament. Iyad Allawi will hold the top position on the security council.


Top al Qaeda leaders, including Suleiman Abu Ghaith, a top spokesman who recently left Iran, may have relocated to Yemen. “Some of these leaders however have moved to Yemen and have taken the charges of command and coordination of al Qaeda operations,” an intelligence report stated.