Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Three people were killed in mortar exchanges between Shabaab and African Union forces in northern Mogadishu. The president of Puntland criticized the government for supporting the Sool, Sanaag and Cayn militia, which has attacked the government of neighboring Somaliland.


Russian President Medvedev told President Ahmedinejad to maintain a “peaceful Iranian nuclear program.” The chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff said the US must focus on “dialogue, engagement and sanctions” with Iran. Iran tested its home-made version of the Russian-made S-300 air defense missile.


Jemaah Ansar al Sunnah, a group that has sworn allegiance to al Qaeda, warned Jews to “leave the land of Palestine,” on a videotape released at jihadist websites. The tape was broadcast in Hebrew.


An Air Berlin flight bound for Munich from Windhoek, Namibia, was delayed after authorities found the time and detonator for a bomb in luggage at the airport. No explosives were found.

United States

A federal court acquitted al Qaeda operative Ahmed Ghailani of more than 280 charges related to the 1998 bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Ghailani was convicted of one count of conspiracy to destroy US property.


Security forces killed killed three Taliban fighters in Shangla. Nine Taliban fighters were sentenced to 10 years in prison. Three people were killed in Karachi. Eighteen people were wounded in a shootout at a mosque in Khuzdar.


Security forces killed two Taliban fighters while they planted IEDs in Helmand, and detained several fighters and commanders in Kandahar, Helmand, and Kabul. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south and a civilian in Kunduz. Hizb-i-Islami said it would enter into a truce with NATO and the government if forces are confined to […]


Security forces detained 13 wanted men in Diyala and two of Saddam Hussein’s bodyguards in Tikrit. Insurgents killed a civilian in a bombing in Diyala. President Talibani said he will not sign the execution order for former foreign minister Tariq Aziz.


Twenty people were killed during clashes in Dhusamareb between Shabaab and a pro-government Sufi militia. Hizbul Islam fighters detained 4 “criminals” during operations in and around Burhakaba.


The Interior Ministry announced it is increasing security at airports and train stations across Germany after receiving “concrete information” about a planned terror attack at the end of November. German intelligence received “a tip from an international partner after the Yemen incident.”


The military claimed 27 Shia Houthi rebels were killed during fighting in the Manbah district in Sa’ada province. The Secretary General of the Arab League said the West would not intervene in Yemen after the failed parcel bomb plot.

United States

A federal court in San Diego charged Nima Ali Yusuf with aiding Shabaab, al Qaeda’s affiliate in Somalia. A federal court in Boston charged Aftab Ali with immigration violations. Ali had passed $5,000 to failed Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad.


The US killed 20 Taliban and al Qaeda fighters in an attack on a camp in North Waziristan. The Taliban executed three “US spies” in North Waziristan and bombed a school and the home of a tribal leader in Mohmand. Security forces arrested two al Qaeda operatives in Karachi.


The Taliban killed two guards and two civilians in attacks in Uruzgan and Kunduz, two ISAF troops in the south and east, and a tribal elder in a suicide attack in Uruzgan. Coalition and Afghan forces detained several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, and Paktia.


Radical al Qaeda cleric Omar Bakri appointed Hezbollah member of parliament Nawwar Sahili to act as his lawyer for his upcoming retrial. “I urge Hassan Nasrallah to look at the injustice facing Omar Bakri who backs all resistance (movements) against Israel,” Bakri told reporters.


Iraqiya leader Iyad Allawi said he is unsure if he will join in a wide political coalition to form a new government. Insurgents killed five Iraqis, including two Christians, in Mosul.


Seven people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and Somali and African Union forces in Mogadishu. Somalia was ranked number one in the global terrorism risk index.


The US is seeking to expand counterterrorism intelligence gathering and operations in Yemen. A suspect in the parcel bomb plot is believed to be hiding in Shabwa province.


The Taliban killed two people in a bombing in Peshawar and destroyed a school in Mohmand. Security forces killed two Taliban fighters in Swat and detained a senior commander in Islamabad.


General Petraeus and Secretary of State Clinton defended US military operations after criticism from President Karzai. The Taliban killed eight policemen in Kunduz, killed two ISAF soldiers in the east, and set a base aflame in a rocket attack in Kunar. Coalition and Afghan forces detained several Taliban fighters in Kandahar and Paktia.

Full text of Mullah Omar’s statement

Mullah Mohammed Omar, the Amir al Mumineen (“the commander of the faithful”) of the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban. Below is the full text of Taliban leader Mullah Omar’s statement. The Voice of Jihad website often switches URLs after being hacked or taken offline, so the statement is republished below for when this eventually happens. To […]


Two traffic policemen were killed in separate shootings in Dagestan; one was killed in a hospital. Police defused two bombs in the Dagestani cities of Makhachkala and Kizlyar.


Insurgents killed an intelligence official, a policeman, and two civilians in bombings in Baghdad, Al Qaim, and Mosul. Security forces killed two insurgents while planting an IED in Kirkuk and detained 13 wanted men in Basrah and Karbala.


Shabaab fighters in Barawe attacked pirates and seized two South African hostages. Shabaab vowed to assassinate newly appointed Somali cabinet ministers. Somaliland’s intelligence chief resigned.


The Yemeni military attacked al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula hideouts in Bani Dhabyan west of Sana’a; no casualties were reported. A parcel bomb killed a girl in the city of Dhale.


Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Swat. A suicide bomber killed a civilian in South Waziristan. The Taliban bombed a NATO fuel tanker in Bolan.


President Karzai said it is time to reduce the number of NATO troops in Afghanistan. The Taliban killed four ISAF soldiers in the east and the south, five policemen in Kandahar and Uruzgan, and a civilian in Nangarhar.