Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Police charged Abu Bakar Bashir, Jemaah Islamiyah’s spiritual leader, with inciting terrorism due to his involvement with an al Qaeda camp in Aceh. Bashir can receive the death sentence if convicted.


Security forces killed three terrorists and a civilian in an attack on a hideout in Buinaksk in Dagestan. Ali Abu Muhammad al Dagestani, the new supreme judge of the Caucasus Emirate, accepted the position despite being unqualified for the job.

Stockholm suicide bomber trained for jihad for 4 years

While this seemed painfully obvious the day of the attack, it now appears certain that Taimour Abdulwahab, the Stockholm man who attempted to detonate the car bomb and then a vest in the city, died from that most horrible affliction known to suicide bombers: premature detonation. And via The New York Times, we learn that […]


Shabaab fighters in Burhakaba threatened to behead 20 Islamist commanders and fighters from the rival Hizbul Islam. Shabaab claimed Kenyan police are holding a leader from Kismayo, who have demanded $1,000 to free him.


The Taliban killed a bus driver and a child, and wounded several children in an IED attack on a school bus in Peshawar. The Taliban killed two policemen in an attack in Charsadda.


Security forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban fighters and commanders in Kandahar, Helmand, and Wardak. Twenty Taliban fighters surrendered in Herat. Germany plans to begin withdrawing its troops in 2012.


An al Qaeda suicide bomber killed three civilians and a policemen in an attack on Shia worshipers in Baqubah. Insurgents killed three civilians in an IED attack in Babil.


Insurgents seriously wounded two soldiers in Shabwa province and kidnapped three more soldiers in Al Dhale province. President Saleh said the US should focus on al Qaeda in Pakistan, and not in Yemen.


The Stockholm suicide bomber has been identified as Taimour Abdulwahab; he admitted to traveling to the Middle East to wage jihad. Police in the United Kingdom searched a home in Luton where Adbulwahab lived.

Shabaab’s leader traveled to UAE?

This is a rumor, but it still bears watching. Sunatimes reported that Shabaab’s spiritual leader, Sheikh Mukhtar Abdurahman Abu Zubeyr (AKA Ahmed Abdi Aw Mohamed Godane,) has traveled twice, via Kenya, to the UAE to visit his wife and family in Sharjah: The reclusive leader made unreported trips to United Arab Emirate to visit his […]


The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government will allow negotiations with the Taliban to secure the release of a university vice chancellor. Security forces arrested 50 terror suspects in Swat and Nowshera. The Taliban torched a NATO supply trailer in Kalat.


The Taliban killed six US and two Afghan soldiers in an attack in Zhari in Kandahar, and wounded eight troops in a separate suicide attack in Jalai in Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured scores of Taliban fighters and commanders in Zabul, Khost, Wardak, Nangarhar, Kunar, and Kunduz. Twelve Taliban fighters surrendered in Kunduz.


Al Qaeda suicide bombers killed three civilians in Ramadi and Diyala. Insurgents killed two policemen in attacks in Baghdad and Mosul. Security forces detained three wanted men in Baghdad and foiled a suicide attack in Balad.


Fifteen people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. The Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a militia claimed it captured then pardoned five Shabaab fighters; Shabaab disputed the report. Pirates hijacked a ship and captured 24 crew members.


Twelve Houthis and six pro-government tribesmen were killed during a clash at a checkpoint in Sa’ada. Southern separatists kidnapped seven policemen in Radfan, Lahj, and Dhale. The government claimed fighting terrorism consumes almost half of its budget.


Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Swat and four more in Mohmand. Police foiled a massive car bomb attack in Kohat. The Taliban killed two policemen in Peshawar.


The Taliban killed 15 people in an IED attack in Helmand. A suicide bomber wounded five soldiers and nine civilians in Kunduz. Security forces targeted the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan during a clearing operation in Kunduz.


Algrian security forces launched a massive operation in the Kabylie region; more than 3,500 troops attacked an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb camp between the cities of Boumerdes and Tizi Ouzou. Ten AQIM fighters were reported killed.


Shabaab and Hizbul Islam clashed in Burhakaba; Hizbul Islam claimed it took control of the city. Three people were killed in mortar exchanges between Shabaab and African Union forces in Mogadishu.


A court in Hadramaut province sentenced eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives to jail terms of between four to seven years for sheltering al Qaeda fighters from Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan. A court in Sana’a upheld the sentences of seven al Qaeda operatives, but reduced some of the jail terms.


The US said sanctions against Iran may be ramped up further “as Iran avoids serious negotiations.” Iran’s interior minister claimed the CIA, Mossad, and MI6 were responsible for assassinations in Tehran.


A suicide bomber killed 15 civilians in an attack on a hospital in Hangu. A US airstrike killed four “militants” in North Waziristan. Nine Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed during clashes in South Waziristan. Security forces killed five Taliban fighters in Swat.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Wardak, and Kunar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. A suicide bomber killed only himself in a failed attack in Nangarhar.


Police arrested wanted Jemaah Islamiyah operative Abu Tholut during a raid at his home in Central Java. Tholut has been involved in multiple bombings in Indonesia, established a training camp in Aceh, and is involved in fundraising and recruiting and training terror cells.


The US military confirmed a soldier was killed yesterday during operations in the Iraqi south. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader in Al Kut , and four insurgents in Kirkuk who killed a policeman in an attack on a checkpoint.