Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Eleven people were killed in a bombing at a market in the capital of Abuja. Police arrested 92 suspected members of the People Committed to the Prophet’s Teachings for Propagation and Jihad (formerly Boko Haram) during raids in Borno state.


US Predators killed four Haqqani Network fighters in an airstrike in North Waziristan. The Taliban freed 23 captive tribal leaders after making them swear on the Koran not to support the government. The Taliban killed one person in a bombing in Lakki Marwat.

South Waziristan Taliban free captive tribal leaders

The Taliban in South Waziristan are attempting to show who is really in charge in the lawless tribal agency after the Pakistani Army offensive that was launched in October 2009. Last week, the Taliban kidnapped 23 tribal leaders after they met with General Kayani, the Pakistani Chief of Army Staff, during his visit to South […]


The Taliban killed two policemen in Takhar, an Italian soldier in Farah, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Wardak, and Kunduz.


Afghanistan extradited four Tajik members of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan to the Tajik government. Two of the men escaped from a prison in Dushanbe in August. Three other men who also escaped are still in Afghan custody; they are Afghans.


Police detained eight suspected al Qaeda operatives in Bursa and two more in the capital of Istanbul. The men are accused of plotting to carry out New Years attacks in Turkey.


Sheikh Muktar Abdelrahman Abu Zubeyr, Shabaab’s reclusive spiritual leader, issued a statement approving of Hizbul Islam’s merger with Shabaab and called for increased attacks against Somali and African Union forces. Ethiopian and Somali troops clashed in Hiraan province.


Security forces arrested nine people who belong to “a jihadist religious-extremist organization.” The men are believed to be involved with a recent bombing in Bishkek and an attack on a US citizen.


Security forces killed 20 Taliban fighters and wounded 25 more during helicopter strikes in Kurram. The Taliban killed the driver of a NATO supply truck in an attack in Kachhi in Baluchistan.

More on Iranian activities in Afghanistan

An Afghan who had served as the chief of police for the western province of Farah, which borders Iran, recently stated that “insurgents” have admitted during interrogations that Iran actively supports the Taliban. From TOLO News: “Some captured insurgents have confessed during investigations that they were trained in training centres located in border areas,” former […]


The Taliban killed 14 civilians in an IED attack in Helmand province. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Nangarhar and Kunduz.


The People Committed to the Prophet’s Teachings for Propagation and Jihad (formerly Boko Haram) killed seven people yesterday in an attack on a bus at a bus station in the Dala area of Maiduguri. The attack is the latest since Christmas Eve and Day attacks in Jos killed more than 80 people.


India’s National Investigation Agency said the Students Islamic Movement of India (or SIMI) is directly linked to the Pakistani-based Lashkar-e-Taiba. SIMI and the Lashkar-e-Taiba have carried out multiple suicide attacks and bombings in India.


Security forces captured the organizer of yesterday’s suicide attack on a police headquarters in Mosul that killed a senior police chief. 2010 has seen the lowest number of Iraqi civilian and US troop casualties since the US invasion in 2003.


Shabaab and government forces fought in Beledweyne. France received a tape showing that an intelligence agent who was captured by Shabaab is still alive. The US issued a travel warning for American citizens considering going to Somalia.


Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters in helicopter airstrikes in Kurram. The Taliban ambushed a NATO supply convoy in Landi Kotal in Khyber; one driver was killed during the attack.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Nangarhar, Nimroz, and Kunduz. A suicide bomber detonated his vest in Paktia.

Taliban intel officer linked to Pakistan captured in Kandahar

Yesterday, ISAF captured a Taliban intelligence operative who scouted attack sites for suicide bombers based in Pakistan. From the ISAF press release: The targeted individual is an intelligence operative responsible for providing direction in the form of site selection and target sets for the suicide bombers who reportedly came into the city from Chaman, Pakistan. […]


A four-man al Qaeda in Iraq suicide team killed a police chief and three policemen in an attack on a police headquarters in Mosul. Security forces detained three al Qaeda operatives in Diyala and another in Kirkuk, and arrested a wanted man in Diwaniyah.


Seventeen people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys praised Shabaab at a rally in Mogadishu. Shabaab’s leader in Kismayo vowed to send fighters to Mogadishu.

Hizb ut-Tahrir

Hizb ut-Tahrir will hold a meeting at the Royal Library in Copenhagen that will “focus on the duty of armed resistance for Muslims in Afghanistan and surrounding nations.” A spokesman said the Danish government is responsible for sending its troops to die in Afghanistan.

The Netherlands

Police have released 11 Somali men suspected of plotting to carry out attacks in the country. One man remains in custody, and another is still a suspect in a terror plot.


US Predators killed 15 Taliban fighters in a pair of airstrikes in the Ghulam Khan area of North Waziristan. Pakistani troops killed two Taliban fighters in Mohmand.


Al Qaeda killed two soldiers in Mosul and Tal Afar. Security forces detained senior al Qaeda in Iraq leaders in Mosul, and three al Qaeda fighters in Huweija.


Five people were killed during a Shabaab attack on an African Union military base in Mogadishu. Shabaab arrested 10 khat traders in Jowhar. Shabaab leader Fuad Mohamed “Shongole” Qalaf threatened to attack the US.