Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The governor of Dhale province escaped an assassination attempt; the attack was thought to have been launched by southern separatists. The ruling and opposition parties agreed to delay parliamentary elections.


Ten ministers from Hezbollah and allied political parties resigned from Prime Minister Saad al Hariri’s cabinet, causing the coalition government to collapse. Hezbollah engineered the collapse after a meeting was planned to discuss the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which is investigating the assassination of Hariri’s father.


Vice President Biden said the US could stay in Afghanistan beyond 2014 if requested. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban, Haqqani Network, and Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commanders and fighters in Helmand, Ghazni, Khost, Wardak, and Kunduz. The Taliban killed two civilians in Farah.

Saudi Arabia

Muhammed Saleem Saeed Braikan, who is on Saudi Arabia’s list of 47 most wanted terrorists, is married to Osama bin Laden’s daughter Fatima and is a senior leader in al Qaeda. Braikan is believed to be operating along the Afghan-Pakistan border.


Security forces detained an al Qaeda leader in Diyala, six Islamic Army of Iraq fighters in Baghdad, and a member of parliament’s bodyguard in Wasit, and broke up a plot to assassinate provincial council members in Anbar. Insurgents wounded 13 civilians in five bombings in Baghdad.


Three Somalis, including a soldier, were killed in a hand grenade attack in the Wadajir district. Shabaab has ordered high schools in Beledweyne to turn over lists of students to be used in recruiting fighting.

Wanted Saudi married to Osama bin Laden’s daughter

A Saudi named Muhammed Saleem Saeed Braikan (or Buraikan), who is on the updated list of the Kingdom’s 47 most wanted terrorists, married a daughter (she was just 12 years old at the time) of Osama bin Laden, and is well tuned into al Qaeda’s operational plans and may be aware of bin Laden’s location […]


A suicide bomber killed three policemen in Kandahar. Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban commanders and fighters in Ghazni, Kandahar, Helmand, Nangarhar, Kunar, Khost, Logar, Kunduz, and Farah. ISAF is investigating reports it accidentally killed three Afghan police in an airstrike in Day Kundi.


Security forces killed an insurgent in Mosul and detained seven more, and detained two members of an assassination cell in Fallujah and a Naqshabandiya leader in Kirkuk. Insurgents killed Hit’s the police chief and two civilians in Mosul.

Saudi Arabia

The interior ministry released the list of the 47 most wanted Saudis. Of those wanted, 27 are thought to be in Pakistan and Afghanistan, 16 are in Yemen, and four are in Iraq.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula killed three electricity department workers and a security guard in an IED attack in Abyan. The government deported four Egyptians accused of aiding Houthi rebels in the north.


A civilian was killed in a hand grenade attack in Mogadishu. Shabaab’s governor of Mogadishu urged Somalis to aid those stricken by drought. Shabaab fired three officials in Bu’ale.


Philippine Rangers killed two Abu Sayyaf fighters and detained another during operations in the town of Tipo-tipo in Basilan province. The military estimates Abu Sayyaf has 340 fighters in its ranks.

Pakistan released HUJI chief, unable to keep him behind bars

Last week our sources confirmed a report that Qari Saifullah Akhtar, the leader of the Harakat-ul-Jihad-al-Islami (HUJI, or the Movement of Islamic Holy War), was released from Pakistani custody in early December 2010 (you can read the report and all the information about Akhtar’s connections to al Qaeda and Pakistan’s military and intelligence service here.) […]


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Nangarhar, Logar, Kunar, and Kunduz. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south and a French soldier in the east.


During a rally in Baidoa, Sheikh Muktar Robow, Shabaab’s deputy leader, called for Somalis to go to Mogadishu to wage jihad. Shabaab banned men and women from exchanging handshakes.


A Yemeni minister said the media “is exaggerating” the threat posed by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in the country. A California man was sentenced to five years in a US prison for spying for Yemen.


Iran deported a woman who was arrested this week and accused of being a “US spy.” The outgoing chief of Israeli Mossad said Iran will not have a nuclear device until 2015. Afghans are protesting Iran’s fuel blockade.


Two Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in Khyber. The Taliban bombed a health clinic in Mohmand. Security forces arrested four “religious extremists” in Quetta.


Coalition and Afghan forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, and Kunar. The Taliban killed two Afghan soldiers in Logar, three civilians in Helmand and Khost, and an ISAF soldier in the east.


Insurgents killed four civilians, including two children, in bombings in Diyala and Nassiriyah. Muqtada al Sadr called on Iraqis to resist the presence of US forces.


UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon said the Horn of Africa may become a new launchpad for global terrorism. Somalia’s deputy minister of interior accused Shabaab of halting humanitarian aid to Somalis living in areas under Shabaab’s control. Shabaab arrested three senior officials accused of stealing aid money.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula continued its attacks on Yemeni forces. In Lahj, four soldiers were killed in an ambush. In Abyan, eight more soldiers were wounded in an attack, while a security official dodged an assassination attempt.