Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

Shocking: London Tube bombers guided by contact in Pakistan

Remember all of those reports claiming that “homegrown terrorists,” and not al Qaeda, were responsible for the July 7, 2005, London Tube suicide attacks? Despite numerous reports showing that al Qaeda was behind the attack (such as the capture and interrogation of senior al Qaeda leader Abd al Hadi al Iraqi, the London attack mastermind […]


Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul and an intelligence officer and a trade ministry employee in Baghdad. Security forces arrested an Islamic State of Iraq leader in Wasit.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula announced the execution of Colonel Ali Mohammed al Husam, the deputy director of the Political Security Service in Sada’a province. Husam was kidnapped in August 2010. AQAP demanded that the government free two terrorists detained last year.


President Saleh said he would step down after 2013. The interior ministry heightened security around the capital of Sana’a.


An Army spokesman said the demands of protesters have been heard and it was time for them to clear the streets. Supporters of President Mubarak clashed with protesters in Tahrir Square in Cairo. Soldiers posted at the square did not intervene.


Three al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb fighters were killed when their car exploded as they battled Mauritanian security forces near the Mali border. The AQIM fighters are thought to have been part of a group of terrorists who crossed the border from Mali last weekend.


Security forces killed 21 Taliban fighters in Mohmand. The Taliban killed two Pakistanis in an attack on a NATO oil tanker in Mastung, and bombed two schools in Peshawar.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Logar, Laghman, and Herat. A senior US general predicted the Taliban will rely on “assassination teams” for their coming spring offensive.


President Mubarak announced on state television that he would step down after a new president was elected in September. Mohamed ElBaradei said Mubarak must leave the country before the opposition began talks with the government.


Shabaab vowed to avenge the death of 20 Somalis killed yesterday during fighting among Somali troops. Puntland’s security minister said Somaliland is attempting to provoke a war.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Anwar al Awlaki sought the help of British Airways employee Rajib Karim to carry out bombings on airplanes in the US. US intelligence has warned Wall Street banks that AQAP seeks to carry out attacks against executives.


Two people were killed in clashes between two tribes in Abyan. A journalist convicted of aiding al Qaeda was freed on the order of President Saleh. A court sentenced a convicted al Qaeda operative to seven years in prison.

Bahadar flexes Taliban muscle in North Waziristan

Just in case you weren’t sure who really runs the show in Pakistan’s tribal agency of North Waziristan, Taliban supremo Hafiz Gul Bahadar sent the locals there a reminder: He is. Bahadar issued pamphlets notifying the locals that the Taliban are the law, and will “punish” kidnappers and car thieves, and even burn down their […]


An al Qaeda commander kidnapped 21 tribal leaders in Kunar. The Taliban killed a militia commander in Parwan and an ISAF soldier in the east. Police are searching for 15 female Chechen terrorists in Kunduz. Special operations forces detained a Taliban commander and a fighter in Jalalabad.

Afghan police search for 15 Chechen women aiding the Taliban in Kunduz

According to DPA, Afghan police in Kunduz are looking for 15 Chechen women in the northern Afghan province who are aiding the Taliban. The women are either serving as nurses or “are experts in making roadside bombs and suicide vests.” The information comes from a captured Afghan Taliban commander and other fighters in custody. Keep […]


Egypt’s new vice president appeared on state television to announce a dialogue on reforms with the political opposition. The last Internet Service Provider in Egypt has been shut down. Israel approved the Egyptian Army’s request to deploy two battalions to the Sinai.

Shabaab executes deputy intel chief for ‘spying’ for US

Shabaab executed the group’s deputy intelligence chief yesterday after accusing him of spying for the US. has the story: Somalia’s extremist group of Al Shabaab has executed their intelligence chief’s deputy, accusing him of spying for FBI amid mounting disputes to suppress civilian harassments between the group’s leaders.. Ahmed Ali Hussein, known as Ahmed […]


Twenty people were killed in Mogadishu after Somali soldiers opened fire on each other. Shabaab executed their deputy intelligence chief after accusing him of being a “US spy.”

United Kingdom

Rajib Karim, a former employee of British Airways, admitted in court to providing support to terror groups, including producing and distributing a propaganda videotape. Karim volunteered to carry out training at terror camps and provided funding for al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Yemen.

Lashkar-e-Islam exact revenge for death of Taliban commander in Predator strike

Ibn Amin, from a ‘wanted’ poster released by the Pakistani government in 2009. The Lashkar-e-Islam, a Taliban-like group based in Pakistan’s Khyber tribal agency, recently assassinated four of their own after accusing them of providing the means for the US to kill a dangerous Taliban commander linked to al Qaeda. According to The News, a […]

Another al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander targeted in Farah

ISAF and Afghan forces continue to target the al Qaeda and Qods Force-linked cells in Farah and Nimroz provinces. Special operations forces captured another Taliban commander in the Afghan west associated with “foreign fighters,” or al Qaeda. From the ISAF press release: Afghan and coalition forces detained a Taliban leader along with two suspected insurgents […]


Coalition and Afghan forces captured a Taliban commander linked to “foreign fighters” in Farah, and a Haqqani Network facilitator in Khost. The Afghan government signed a pact with the UN to prevent the recruitment of children into the armed forces.


More than 100 people have been killed during six days of protests calling for the overthrow of President Mubarak. The US embassy in Cairo has been closed as thousands of Americans will be evacuated.


Ten people were killed in fighting between government forces and Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu. A young man was killed in an explosion outside a stadium in the capital. The African Union is seeking to change its peacekeeping mandate to one that will allow it to go on the offensive.


Sheikh Rachid Ghannouchi, an Islamist leader who was in exile in Britain for 22 years, returned to Tunisia. Ghannouchi’s political party, Ennahda, is expected to contest the upcoming parliamentary elections.


The Netherlands suspended ties with Iran after a Dutch citizen was executed by Iranian officials. The defense minister said Iran is developing new missiles and satellites, while President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Iran would put a man in space by 2021.