Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Ten people were killed during clashes between government forces and clans in Buhodle in Somaliland. Shabaab chopped off the hand of a teenage boy for stealing. A Shabaab leader said government workers and African Union troops should be killed.


The Taliban killed a policeman in Bannu and attacked five NATO oil tankers in Mithri Baluchistan, destroying two of them. The wife of a man killed by a US consular official in Lahore committed suicide.


The Taliban stormed a police checkpoint in Sar-i-Pul province; a Taliban commander and a policeman were killed in the fighting. The Taliban killed the leader of a tribal militia in Balkh.


Security forces killed al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader Kamel Bourihane during a Feb. 4 raid in Bouira. Bourihane, who is also known as Abu Hafs, served as a deputy to Abdelmalek Droukdel, AQIM’s top leader.


Vice President Omar Suleiman met with the Muslim Brotherhood to discuss the group’s “legitimate and just demands.” The Muslim Brotherhood insists President Mubarak must step down.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov disapproved of new sanctions on Iran, saying they “will basically be aimed at suffocating the Iranian economy.” An Iranian official claimed gasoline production has exceeded national consumption.


Ten al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives, including a Syrian national, are on trial for a series of attacks between 2005-2010. An intelligence officer escaped an al Qaeda assassination attempt in Hadramawt province.


Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Saeed threatened to attack India if it does not quit Kashmir, and said the US is on its way out of the region, strengthening the hand of jihadists. “If freedom is not given to the Kashmiris, then we will occupy the whole of India including Kashmir,” he said. “As the US is […]


The Taliban executed four people accused of “spying for Indian and Jewish intelligence agencies” in Karak, and killed three civilians in Khyber. More than 20,000 people have fled Mohmand due to a military operation.


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar and 12 more in Uruzgan. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south and attacked the homes of Taliban fighters who defected to the government. Hekmatyar’s deputy denounced suicide attacks but blamed them on the presence of ISAF forces.


Insurgents killed two civilians in bombings in Samarra, a tribal leader in a bombing in Fallujah, and a civilian in a shooting in Baghdad. Security forces arrested a terrorist in Al Kut.


The US Embassy in Nairobi condemned the Somali parliament’s extension of the Transitional Federal Government. Two people were killed during fighting in Mogadishu. A Somali official accused the World Food Program of selling aid to the hungry.


Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei described the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia as an “Islamic awakening.” A senior Iranian Army commander said the Egyptian Army should sever ties with President Mubarak. The trial of three Americans arrested on the Iraqi border will begin on Sunday.


Security forces killed 15 Taliban fighters in Nangarhar. The Taliban attempted to assassinate Kandahar’s chief of police, for the second time in three days; the suicide bomber killed only himself. Officials in Parwan said the Taliban are plotting attacks from Pakistan.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula kidnapped an Italian woman who was touring the desert south of the town of Djanet. Algerian security forces launched an operation in an attempt to recover her.


Hezbollah confirmed that Sami Chehab, a cell leader who was arrested by Egyptian security forces, was among thousands of inmates who escaped from jails in the country. Twenty-one other Hezbollah operatives are said to have escaped Egyptian prisons.


Police wounded three protesters in Mukalla after opening fire on the crowd. The Army shelled the town of Radfan in Lahj, wounding three people, after a patrol was attacked. The US delivered four Huey II helicopters for use in counterterrorism operations.


Five people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and Alhu Sunnah Wal Jama’a in Guriel. Shabaab executed a teen-aged boy in Mudug. The government denied Shabaab claims that soldiers are removing women’s niqabs.

Maliki: Iran, Syria are arming Iraqi terror groups

In 2009, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Malik accused both Iran and Syria of arming terror groups operating inside Iraq. Now AFP has the story, via the Wikileaks cables: Maliki’s comments to then-US ambassador to Baghdad Christopher Hill came in the midst of a year-long diplomatic row with Damascus that prompted both Iraq and Syria […]


Three people were killed in a bombing at a shrine in Lahore. Three Taliban fighters and a soldier were killed during fighting in Arakzai; the Taliban also bombed a school in the tribal agency. The Taliban destroyed two NATO containers in Khuzdar.


A video of Alovuddin Davlatov, an Islamist commander that security forces claimed to have killed in early January, has surfaced. Security forces detained several Salafists for illegally teaching children.


The Taliban killed five civilians in a bombing in Kunduz and a cleric in a mosque in Laghman. Security forces detained an “insurgent financier” in Nangarhar and five Taliban fighters in Kabul. Twenty-five Taliban fighters defected in Samagan.


Eight policemen were killed in Ramadi, and two policemen and a finance ministry employee were killed in Baghdad. A suicide bomber wounded four people in Ramadi.


Pirates based in Garad in Puntland have “relocated to Hobyo and El Dhanane.” Three people were killed during infighting between Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a forces in Guriel. US diplomats warned Eritrea not to back Shabaab, according to a 2009 memo.


Allies of President Saleh held a counter-rally in Sana’a in support of Yemen’s ruling party. The US Embassy in Sana’a issued a travel warning to US citizens in the capital.


Terrorists killed five Buddhists, including an education supervisor, in an attack in the village of Krabue in southern Pattani province. Five Muslim insurgents attacked the Buddhists from the back of a pickup truck.


Fifteen Taliban fighters and three Pakistani soldiers were killed in fighting in Mohmand. The Taliban killed nine people in a bombing in Peshawar. A Pakistani soldier was killed in an exchange of fire with Afghan troops in Khost province.


The Taliban killed two Afghan soldiers in Helmand and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces captured a Haqqani Network facilitator in Khost and nine Taliban fighters in Kapisa. Twenty-five Taliban fighters surrendered in Samagan and 11 more surrendered in Farah.