Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


FATA’s interior secretary said that military operations in Kurram, Bajaur, and Mohmand have ended in success. The Taliban killed a civilian in Bannu, bombed a school and a stadium in Khyber, and confirmed they executed Colonel Imam.


Human Rights Watch claimed that security forces and government-supported militias killed 84 people in Benghazi over the past three days; 35 people are said to have been killed on Friday. The government is blocking Internet and news channels.


Shabaab held a ceremony for hundreds of fighters who completed their military training. Pirates kidnapped four Americans. A US court sentenced a pirate to 33 years in jail.

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri released a tape on jihadi forums that condemned former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. The tape was produced more than one week prior to Mubarak’s resignation.


Security forces killed more than 30 Taliban fighters in Kunar and detained several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Ghazni, Zabul, and Khost. A suicide bomber killed nine Afghans in Khost. The Taliban killed three police in Nangarhar. A man dressed in an Afghan Army uniform killed three German soldiers in Baghlan.


Insurgents killed three people in a bombing in Mosul. Security forces detained 16 wanted men in Diyala and a Naqshabandiya leader behind yesterday’s deadly bombing in Miqdadiyah.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia’s Grand Mufti said that a fatwa attributed to the Permanent Committee for Religious Research and Ifta and distributed on ihadist forums is a forgery. The fatwa praised Osama bin Laden and and al Qaeda and supported their goal to establish a caliphate.


Goverment forces cracked down on anti-government protesters throughout the country. Two protesters were killed in Aden, and two more were killed in Taiz.


According to the IAEA, Iran continues to upgrade its ability to enrich uranium ore into weapons-grade material. A senior ayatollah called for Iranian opposition leaders to be jailed.


Security forces again opened fire on protesters in the eastern city of Benghazi. Unconfirmed reports indicate that 15 people were killed during the clashes.


Troops opened fire on protesters in Manama; 66 people were wounded. The crown prince went on national TV to say it is “time for dialogue, not fighting.”

Al Qaeda

Ties fray between Pakistan and US intelligence agencies


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, Haqqani Network, and HIG commanders and fighters during raids in Kandahar, Helmand, Ghazni, Khost, Wardak, and Parwan. The Taliban killed a policeman and a civilian in Kunduz, and an ISAF soldier in the east.


Insurgents killed 13 Iraqis in a car bombing in Miqdadiyah, and killed a cleric north of Mosul. Security forces detained 37 suspected insurgents in Diyala and 20 wanted men in Basrah.


Pro-government supporters and anti-government protesters clashed at Sana’a university; dozens of people were wounded. Protests also continue in Taiz. The government is deploying thousands of troops to Sana’a and the provinces.


Four protesters were reported to have been killed during clashes with security forces in the eastern city of Bayda. Dozens of protesters were wounded in clashes with security forces in Benghazi.


Riot police killed six people and wounded dozens more while storming a camp run by anti-government protesters in the capital of Manama. Clashes are being reported in other areas of the city.


Government forces killed four anti-Shabaab demonstrators in Mogadishu while opening fire to disperse the crowd. Seven people were killed during fighting in Delow between Shabaab and government forces. Shabaab replaced Sheikh Ali Dhere, its spokesman in Mogadishu, with Sheikh Mohamed Hassan Omar Abu Rahman.


Security forces killed two anti-government protesters in Sana’a and wounded eight more. Thousands continued to protest in Taiz for the fifth day straight. Yemen announced its oil reserves have increased to 11 billion barrels and gas reserves to 18 trillion cubic feet.


Thousands of protesters took to the streets of the capital city of Manama for the third day straight. Several people were killed by security forces during the first two days of protests.


Hundreds of anti-government protesters clashed with police in the city of Benghaz, Libya’s second-largest city. Dozens of people were wounded in the clashes.

ISAF detains Taliban commander operating from Pakistan

ISAF and Afghan special operations forces captured another Afghan Taliban commander who used the Pakistani border city of Chaman in Baluchistan province as a base of operations. From the ISAF press release: Afghan and coalition forces detained a Taliban attack leader, along with several suspected insurgents during an operation in Kandahar City, Kandahar province yesterday. […]


Seven insurgents and three policemen were killed during a clash on the border between between Karachayeva-Cherkessia and Stavropol. Police raided an abandoned farm used by a group behind attacks on police in the region.

The Taliban

Pakistani Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq warned the Pakistani government not to free the US consular official accused of murdering two people in Lahore. “If (Pakistani) rulers hand him over to America then we will target these rulers. If Pakistani courts cannot punish Davis then they should hand him over to us,” said Tariq. “We will […]


Coalition and Afghan forces captured dozens of Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Ghazni, Zabul, Khost, and Kunar. Police arrested five suicide bombers in Kandahar. A New Zealand soldier died in an accident in Bamyan province.