Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed Kunduz’s police chief and four bodyguards. ISAF troops accidentally killed President Karzai’s cousin during a night raid in Kandahar. The Taliban beheaded a father and son in Nimroz for spying and killed a British soldier in Helmand.


An anti-Taliban tribal leader threatened to stop supporting the government after a suicide attack in Peshawar. Some Pakistani drivers for NATO supplies have refused to ship materials to Afghanistan. The Taliban bombed two schools and a bridge in Khyber.


Insurgents killed two people in Fallujah and attempted to bomb an oil pipeline to Syria. Security forces detained eight wanted men in Kirkuk and Amara.


Somali troops took control of Rabdhure and El Waq; four Shabaab fighters were reported to have been killed during the fighting, Puntland police arrested four suspected Shabaab operatives, including the brother of Sheikh Mohamed Atom, in Galkayo.


Police lidentified nine Shabaab fighters thought to be operating between Kenya and Somalia. Five of the Shabaab fighters are thought to be plotting attacks in Kenya.


Human Rights Watch accused Yemeni officials and security forces of facilitating attacks on protesters in Sana’a. President Saleh offered to hold a vote on modifying the constitution and transition to a parliamentary government by the end of the year.


A suicide bomber killed 37 people in an attack at a funeral in Peshawar. A Pakistani general said US Predator strikes are killing terrorists and very few civilians. Security forces detained four Taliban operatives in Karachi.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Nangarhar, and Baghlan. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in separate attacks in the south. Fifteen Taliban fighters in Kunar renounced the insurgency.


Insurgents killed the director of the air force training program and a civilian in separate attacks in Baghdad, and two civilians in a grenade attack near Fallujah. A bombing in the north shut down the Iraq-Turkey oil pipeline.


Security forces killed one protester and wounded more than 80 in an attack at Sana’a University. Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were reportedly killed in Sa’ada.


The Taliban killed 32 people in a bombing at a natural gas station near an ISI headquarters in Faisalabad. US predators killed five “militants” in an airstrike in North Waziristan.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, Paktika, and Baghlan. The Afghan government called on the UN to remove the names of five Taliban leaders from the blacklist.


Insurgents killed a soldier and a university professor in Mosul, and a son of an Iraqi who works for the Anbar provincial council in Fallujah. Security forces captured the finance minister for al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq.


Suspected al Qaeda fighters killed a civilian in Shabwa. A protester was killed by pro-government forces in Ibb. A prisoner died in a riot in Sana’a.


The defense minister claimed Omar Hammami, an American Shabaab leader, was killed. President Ahmed fired four senior security officials; Shabaab cited the dismissals as evidence the government is failing in its offensive. Ethiopian troops have joined a pro-government militia in the village of Berhuteye.


The Taliban killed two policemen in separate attacks in Nangarhar. Security forces detained four Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders in Helmand, Kandahar, and Khost. A suicide bomber killed himself in a premature detonation in Nangarhar. Thirty-seven Taliban fighters surrendered in Kunar.


A gunmen and a security officer were killed during a raid in Huweija. Insurgents killed a civilian in Mosul. A provincial official claimed US forces arrested two Iraqi policemen in Maysan.


Shabaab withdrew its forces from the Gedo region after Ethiopian soldiers helped eject Shabaab from Bala Hawo. Shabaab killed two Somali soldiers and executed two men who worked for the government in Mogadishu.


According to a Kuwaiti newspaper, Gamal Mubarak, the former president’s son, and Habib el Adly, the former interior minister, ordered and executed the 2005 bombings at the Sharm al Sheikh resort to take revenge on a rival businessman. The Abdullah Azzam Brigade claimed the attack.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed two intelligence officers in Abyan and Hadramout provinces. Forty-four protesters were wounded in clashes in Ibb province. The opposition vowed to escalate protests as President Saleh called for dialogue.