Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Khost, Paktika, Nangarhar, Logar, and Badghis. ISAF forces accidentally killed three civilians in an attack targeting a Taliban commander in Helmand. The Taliban killed two civilians in Zabul and an ISAF soldier in the south.


Insurgents killed a professor and a soldier in Baghdad, and another soldier in Mosul. Security forces detained seven wanted men in Diyala and three more in Kirkuk, and four insurgents in Diwaniyah.


President Saleh said he is “ready to step down with respect and dignity” but only to qualified caretakers of government. Security officials claimed seven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in Abyan province.


Three people were killed during clashes in Mogadishu. Shabaab detained 10 people in the Garbaharey district. Uganda and Burundi committed to deploying 3,000 additional troops to Somalia.


Pro-Gaddafi forces have abandoned Ajdabiyah as rebel forces took control of the city. Rebels are advancing on Brega as Gaddafi’s forces have launched an attack on Misrata. The US and Europe are considering arming the Libyan rebels.


The Syrian government released 260 prisoners in an effort to placate protesters, who have torched political and security headquarters in Deraa. Fifty-five protesters are estimated to have been killed during the uprising.

Palestinian Territories

Fatah, the ruling party in the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas, the terror group that rules the Gaza Strip, are currently conducting reconciliation talks. The head of Israel’s southern command said that there is “anarchy in Gaza and Hamas.”


“Gunmen” killed 13 Shia travelers and kidnapped more than 20 in the Kurram tribal agency. The Taliban bombed two girls’ schools in Khyber. Nineteen people were wounded in a bombing in Peshawar.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and HIG commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, and Baghlan. The Taliban killed an Afghan Local Police commander and a child in an attack at a mosque in Uruzgan. Twenty-two Taliban fighters in Baghlan reconciled with the government.


Three Shabaab fighters were killed in a grenade attack at their checkpoint in Mogadishu. Germany provided $4.9 million to support African Union forces. Kenya denied its troops entered Somalia to fight Shabaab.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The US State Department added Ibrahim Hassan Tali al Asiri to the list of specailly designated global terrorists. Asiri is AQAP’s top bomb maker and aided in his brother’s failed assassination attempt against Saudi Arabia’s deputy interior minister in January 2009.


President Saleh said he would hand over power only “to capable, responsible hands.” Security forces claimed to have killed 15 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters over the past week. Britain and Germany have begun evacuating non-essential embassy personnel.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed five policemen in Hangu. Security forces killed eight “militants” in Arakzai. President Zardari condemned US Predator strikes in Pakistan.

US adds AQAP bomb maker to terrorist list

ibrahim-asiri.jpgAl Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative Ibrahim Hassan Tali al Asiri serves as the terror group’s top bomb maker. Asiri was involved in the assassination attempt that targeted Saudi Arabia’s deputy interior minister.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, Haqqani Network, and IMU leaders and fighters in Helmand, Ghazni, Kandahar, Ghazni, Khost, and Samangan. ISAF helicopter gunships accidentally killed two civilians while attacking Haqqani Network leaders in Khost. The Taliban forced cell phone providers to shut down their towers in Helmand.


The Islamic Army, HAMAS – Iraq, the 1920 Revolution Brigades, the Mujahideen Army, the Rashidin Army, and the Shariah Commission of Ansar al Sunnah are said to be in reconciliation talks with the Iraqi government. Security forces arrested 18 wanted men in Kirkuk.


Somali and African Union forces are accused of indiscriminately shelling the Bakara market in Mogadishu, killing 10 people and wounding 31. Shabaab spokesman Ali Dhere vowed to continue fighting the government and African Union forces.


President Saleh is reportedly working on a deal to relinquish power. The Shabwa tribe took control of seven Central Security Forces compounds, effectively putting them in control of the province. Three people in Hadramout were wounded during clashes between the presidential guards and army units who back protesters.

Al Qaeda

Abu Yahya al Libi, a top al Qaeda ideologue and a senior leader in the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, released a tape in support of Libyan rebels against President Gaddafi. “The Libyan people have suffered at the hands of Gaddafi for more than 40 years,” he said. Al Libi also accused the West of supporting […]


One person was killed and 39 more were wounded in a bombing on a bus in Jerusalem. The bombing is the first in the city in four years. Police are searching for a suspect who is thought to have placed the bomb on the bus.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network leaders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Logar, and Baghlan. ISAF said an airstrike in Khost killed two Haqqani Network facilitators; Afghan officials said four civilians were killed. The Taliban killed a policeman in Uruzgan.


Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Swat. The Taliban killed one person in a bombing in Peshawar and torched three NATO tankers in Bolan.


Insurgents killed two civilians in Baghdad and a policeman in Mosul. Security forces captured an al Qaeda leader in Amiriyah. The Minister of National Reconciliation said five “armed groups” have laid down their arms.


Parliament passed an emergency powers act, which calls for a 30-day state of emergency. Security forces killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives in Abyan.


Four people were killed during fighting in central and southern Somalia. Seven Shabaab fighters surrendered to government forces. The UN said the recruitment of child soldiers by all sides of the conflict is on the rise.


Libyan forces continue to attack rebel positions in Misrata, Zintan, and Ajdabiyah as UN forces attack President Gaddafi’s ground forces. The US imposed economic sanctions against the state-controlled Libyan National Oil Corp.