Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya claimed that 10 Kenyans have died while fighting for Shabaab in Somalia. Shabaab’s spokesman said his forces would attack Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a in Galgudud. Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a arrested 10 people in Luq.


Fighting between pro-Gaddafi forces and rebels is underway in Brega and Misruta. A doctor claimed seven civilians were killed in UN airstrikes in the village of Zawia el Argobe. US Defense Secretary Gates said the US should not train rebel forces.


The International Atomic Energy Agency is inspecting a suspected nuclear facility in Homs in western Syria. Anti-government protests were held in Damascus, Latakia, and Banias.


The government will expel “a group of Iranian diplomats” for their alleged involvement with a spy ring in the Gulf country. Three members of the spy ring were serving in the Kuwaiti military and have been sentenced to death. Iran denies its diplomats are involved in spying.


Emir Supyan, the deputy emir of the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, was killed by Russian commandos during the March 28 raid in Inguishetia. A martyrdom statement announcing his arrest was released by Kavkaz Center.

Jemaah Islamiyah

Indonesia’s National Intelligence Agency confirmed that Pakistan arrested Jemaah Islamiyah commander and bomb maker Umar Patek, who is wanted for his involvement in the 2002 Bali bombings. Patek’s wife was also arrested by Pakistani security forces.


Ten people were killed in an IED attack in Charsadda that targeted the head of an Islamist political party allied with the Taliban. Security forces killed eight “militants” in Kurram.


The Obama administration is debating the pace of the drawdown of US forces in Afghanistan. ISAF troops in Kandahar killed two Afghans after opening fire on a car that attempted to ram into the soldiers. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, HIG, and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Zabul, Khost, and Logar.


The Israeli military released a map detailing the location more than 950 bunkers, underground facilities, and storage units for munitions built by Hezbollah since the 2006 war in southern Lebanon. “Many of these terror centers are located near hospitals, private homes and schools,” the IDF said.


Security forces captured an al Qaeda in Iraq leader and three fighters in Mosul, and three insurgents in Al Kut. Insurgents killed a civilian in a Katyusha rocket attack in Diwaniyah.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

In the latest edition of Inspire, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula”s English-language magazine, Ibrahim Rubaish, a former Guantanamo detainee, attacked the Saudi government for sheltering former Tunisian President Zine al Abidine Ben Ali. Rubaish also called for the imposition of sharia law in Tunisia.


Police arrested Mohamed Hersi, a Canadian citizen, for attempting to join Shabaab in Somalia and supporting a terrorist group. Hersi was planning to reach Somalia by traveling from London to Egypt.


Shabaab killed a soldier in an IED attack in Luq. Kenya is supporting the creation of a new seni-autonomous zone in southern Somalia; the Somali government is opposed to its creation.


Syria TV accused an Egyptian-American activist currently in custody of attempting to “destabilize Syria.” President Assad claimed the government would draft new anti-terrorism laws as a first step to lifting the emergency laws that have been in effect since 1963.


President Obama approved covert operations in Libya; CIA operatives are currently on the ground. US Defense Secretary Gates said US troops would not operate on the ground. A Vatican official said UN airstrikes in Tripoli killed more than 40 civilians.


A suicide bomber killed 10 people in an attack on an Islamist party’s rally in Swabi. Pakistani officials claimed to have captured wanted Jemaah Islamiyah leader Umar Patek.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Baghlan, Kunar, Khost, and Logar. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. A suicide bomber wounded nine people in Kapisa.


Fifteen people were killed in fighting between Shabaab forces and Somali and African Union troops in Mogadishu. The African Union denied its troops took casualties during Shabaab mortar attacks in Mogadishu.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Anwar al Awlaki, a top al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader, said that the uprisings in the Middle East will benefit al Qaeda and allied jihadist movements. Awlaki, an American citizen, made the statement in the fifth edition of Inspire magazine.


Jihadists denied that they took over a radio station in Abyan province. The government blamed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula for a blast at a weapons factory in Jaar in Abyan that killed more than 100 civilians.


Pro-Gaddafi forces continue to push rebel forces out of towns ceded just days ago. Rebels have retreated from Ras Lanuf and are falling back to the east. More than 1,000 jihadists are estimated to be in Libya.


Security forces arrested six Taliban fighters accused of attacking the Sri Lankan cricket team in Lahore in 2009. The Army claimed 14 paramilitary troops killed in Khyber were killed in a friendly fire incident.