Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

ISAF captures IMU/Haqqani Network facilitators in Ghazni

One Haqqani Network commander “provided safe havens for foreign fighters traveling from Kunduz to Paktika province and Pakistan for tactical training and operations” while the other also worked for the al Qaeda-linked Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan.


The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in the south. Seven Taliban and Hizb-e-Islami fighters were killed during clashes in Wardak. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Sar-i-Pul, and Baghlan.


Insurgents killed five people, including a policeman, in separate shootings in Baghdad. An employee for the National Security Agency was killed in a bombing in Baghdad. Insurgents also killed a policeman in Mosul and a contractor in Kirkuk.


A solider was gunned down in Galmudug. A prominent clan elder was assassinated near Dhusamareb. Security forces detained 14 men in Mogadishu.


Security forces killed three people and wounded dozens more after opening fire at a funeral in the town of Talbiseh. The funeral was held for a soldier who is thought to have been tortured and killed by security forces.


A Libyan Islamist linked to al Qaeda and the Taliban commanded the Omar Mukhtar brigade for the rebels in Ajdabiyah before he was killed six days ago. Rebels in Ajdabiyah are losing ground against President Gaddafi’s forces.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb killed 13 Algerian troops during an ambush in the Kabylie region. The attack took place near Tizi Ouzou, an AQIM stronghold in the east.


Interior Minister Rehman Malik said Pakistan can not stop US Predator attacks and a diplomatic solution is needed. The Taliban bombed a NATO fuel tanker near Dera Murad Jamali.


A Taliban suicide bomber who penetrated the police killed five US and and four Afghan soldiers in Logar. ISAF killed al Qaeda’s commander for Kunar province and five insurgents, including a commander, in Farah. The Taliban killed two children in an IED attack in Farah.

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Tajik security forces claimed to have killed Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commander Abdullo Rakhimov and 10 fighters during an operation in the east; one policeman was killed. Rakhimov, who is also known as Mullo Abdullo, carried out multiple attacks in Tajikistan.


Insurgents killed an Iraqi National Policeman in an attack in Baghdad and a policeman in Kirkuk. Security forces captured four terrorists in Baghdad and two more in Kirkuk.


President Obama said the US withdrawal starting this summer is “not just a token gesture” and expects significant troops to leave the country. The Taliban killed Kandahar’s chief of police. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban, IMU, and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Paktika, and Logar.


A sniper killed two Iraqi soldiers in Khalis near Baqubah. Security forces captured an emir of Ansar al Sunnah in Diyala during a raid in Ninewa.


Intelligence officials claimed an Islamic cleric is recruiting youths to fight for Shabaab in Somalia. The cleric is based at a mosque in Majengo in Mombasa and is said to have traveled to Somalia in 2009 to be trained by “foreigners.”


A purported Syrian intelligence document recommended that no more than 20 protesters be killed daily and said opposition leaders should be linked to Israel, the US, and disliked Saudi and Lebanese officials. Security forces clashed with protesters in Damascus. Syria denied any Iranian role in quelling domestic protests.


NATO failed to agree to send more warplanes to battle President Gaddafi’s forces. Pro-Gaddafi forces shelled rebel forces in Misrata and Ajdabiyah.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas recovered the body of an Italian pro-Palestinian journalist who was killed during a clash with the Salafist Monotheism and Holy War. Hours earlier, Monotheism and Holy War released a video of the kidnapped Italian and demanded Hamas release prisoners or he would be killed.


Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in Mohmand. Police arrested two French men in Lahore who accompanied Jemaah Islamiyah leader Umar Patek. A CIA official said the Predator strikes will not cease.


A suicide assault team killed three policemen in Paktia; four Afghans were wounded in suicide attacks in Kabul and Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured al Qaeda, Taliban, and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Zabul, Khost, Logar, Baghlan, Faryab, and Jawzjan.


The UN said that 34 members of the Mujahadeen-e-Khalq were killed by Iraqi troops during rioting at Camp Arshaf. A former Baathist is accused of “recruiting Arab terrorists in Syria and Jordan ” to carry out attacks in Iraq.


Hezbollah denied reports that its members are fighting alongside Libyan rebels against President Gaddafi’s regime. “Hezbollah denies such accusations and considers them as baseless,” the terror group said in a press release.


The US said Iran is providing support to Syria to suppress nationwide anti-government protests. The US claimed Iran is providing weapons and intelligence-gathering assets to aid security forces in suppressing protests and monitoring the opposition.


Government forces killed 23 people in rocket attacks on the port city of Misrata. The US and European countries believe the Libyan rebels are “hopelessly disorganized” and that a stalemate with Gaddafi’s forces is inevitable.