Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Pro-Gaddafi forces bombed four fuel storage containers in the port of rebel-held Misrata, destroying the city’s fuel supply. Gaddafi’s forces also shelled rebel forces inside Misrata.


Six Taliban suicide bombers and fighters, a policeman, and a civilian were killed during Taliban assaults on eight government buildings in Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Nangarhar, Khost Paktika, Wardak, Logar, and Badghis.


Security forces in Mosul killed the governor of Ninewa for al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq. Insurgents killed six people and looted foreign exchanges in Baqubah. The foreign minister said al Qaeda in Iraq is likely to take revenge for Osama bin Laden’s death.


Shabaab mourned the death of “Sheikh Osama” bin Laden and vowed to wage jihad so far as to “rule the whole world.” Shabaab flogged a woman for listening to the BBC. The Somali government accused Eritrea of backing Shabaab.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and HIG commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Ghazni, Khost, and Nangarhar. The political opposition, led by the former Afghan intel chief, protested against negotiations with the Taliban.


A US Predator killed 13 terrorists in North Waziristan. “Militants” gunned down eight Shia in Quetta. Police arrested 25 people in Abbottabad, where Osama bin Laden was killed.


An Awakening leader’s bodyguard was killed at a checkpoint in Diyala. Police found a beheaded body riddled with bullets north of Fallujah.


The interior minister said the man who built the bomb that killed 16 people at a cafe in Marrakesh “was expelled from Portugal in 2004 and from Libya in 2008, when he was trying to get to Iraq.” The bomb maker is a Salafist and learned how to build the bomb on the internet.


A Kenyan known as Abu Ahmed Al Kini was killed while fighting with Shabaab in Gedo. Shabaab assassinated a senior Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a leader in Gedo and executed two so-called “spies” in Baidoa.


Security forces killed the Taliban’s top commander for Nangarhar province, and killed five Taliban fighters in Helmand. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in southern Afghanistan.

Saudi Arabia

Khaled Al Atifi, an al Qaeda operative, turned himself in to authorities after weeks of negotiations. Atifi was 17th on Saudi Arabia’s list of 47 most-wanted terrorists.


A suicide bomber killed 20 Iraqis in an attack on a police headquarters in Hillah. Insurgents killed a general, a policeman, and two Kurdish troops in attacks in Baghdad, Mosul, and Kirikuk. Police killed the Islamic State of Iraq’s governor of Ninewa.


A suspected US Predator airstrike killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commanders in the Mayfaa district in Shabwah province. The strike purportedly targeted a Saudi commander of AQAP.


Police arrested three suspects thought to be involved with the April 28 bombing at a cafe in Marrakesh that killed 16 people. The lead suspect is said to be “loyal” to al Qaeda.

The Haqqani Network

The Haqqani Network released old footage of captive US soldier Bowe Bergdahl. The soldier is seen with Mullah Sangeen Zadran, the senior Haqqani Network commander. Bergdahl has been in missing since June 2009.

Al Qaeda

Pakistani census takers missed Osama bin Laden’s compound