Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Fifteen Iraqis were killed in a series of attacks in and around Baghdad. Eleven were Iraqi soldiers who were killed in a suicide attack in Taji.


An appeals court has upheld the death sentences of two men convicted of killing policemen. Two others had their sentences reduced to life in prison. The court said the sentences were designed to prevent further protests.


The Taliban killed 15 Pakistanis in an attack in Khyber that targeted fuel trucks carrying fuel to NATO forces in Afghanistan. Pakistani helicopter gunships killed eight Taliban fighters in Arakzai.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed six people in an attack at a hospital in Kabul. Five terrorists were killed in a premature detonation in Nuristan. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Paktika, Baghlan, and Baghlan.


Insurgents killed seven people in attacks in Kirkuk and Mosul. Security forces detained 14 wanted men in Basra, Anbar, and Hillah.


Security forces killed 11 people at a funeral in Homs. The people were shot after they shouted “overthrow the regime” as they were leaving the cemetery.


Iranian intelligence claimed to have dismantled a US spy ring and arrested 24 people. The alleged spies were gathering information at “universities and scientific research centers, and in the field of nuclear energy, aerospace, defense and biotechnology industries.”


Security forces seized Kudhaa Island from Shabaab forces. Tribal elders in Balad denounced Shabaab for torturing innocent people; the elders would not give their names.


Pro-government forces shelled residential areas outside outside of the rebel-held city of Misrata. Libyans attacked a bus of reporters at a border crossing to Tunisia.


A US Predator airstrike killed six “militants” in the Miramshah area of North Waziristan. Police arrested a suicide bomber and his two handlers in Karachi.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Helmand, Farah, Ghazni, Zabul, Khost, Logar, and Badghis. The Taliban killed a child in an IED attack in Badghis.


India recalled a list of 50 wanted terrorists and criminals who were believed to be based in Pakistan after two of those on the list turned up in India. One of those on the list was in Indian custody for the past 15 months.


Insurgents killed a colonel at the Interior Ministry in Baghdad, and two policemen in Mosul. Five Mahdi Army commanders escaped from a prison in Taji. Security forces detained 12 insurgents in Diyala.


Security forces killed 27 people while attempting to suppress anti-regime protests. Eleven were killed Homs, 10 in Maaret al-Naaman, two in Daraa, two in Deir al-Zour, one in Daraya, and another in Latakia.


Police are hunting for members of a terrorist group in Cirebon who were planning to attack a mosque on a military base and several police stations. Two members of the group have been killed and 13 more have been detained.


The Taliban killed a civilian in an IED attack in Akora Khattak. The government ordered an investigation into the killing of five Chechens thought to be suicide bombers.


The Taliban killed 35 road workers in Paktika; guards killed eight Taliban fighters. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and Haqqani Network commanders and fighters in Zabul, Khost, Nangarhar, and Kunar.