Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


A truce between President Saleh and the Hashed tribal confederation has ended after fighting broke out in Sana’a. Security forces killed more than 50 people in an attack on a protesters’ camp in Taiz. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is said to be expanding its area of control in Abyan after taking control of […]


Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei publicly backed President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, putting an end to months of speculation over a rift between the two. Iran said the detention of a diplomat in Egypt was a “misunderstanding that has been resolved.”


Syrians in the towns of Talbiseh and Rastan near Homs have taken up arms to resist military attacks by President Assad’s forces. Am opposition “activist” confirmed residents have fought back but said there was no organized resistance.


Security forces arrested three Lebanese and two Palestinians suspected of involvement in the IED attack that wounded six Italian peacekeepers. An al Qaeda-linked Salafist group, presumably Fatah al Islam, is thought to have executed the attack. Italy may reduce its peacekeeping contingent by one-third, from 1,780 to 1,100 troops.


France has opened an investigation into the April 28 bombing at a cafe in Marrakesh that killed 17 people. Eight French citizens were among those killed in the attack.


Security forces killed two armed men who fled a hideout packed with explosive devices and weapons in Dagestan. Terrorists killed a policeman in Kabardino-Balkaria.


Pakistani aircraft killed 11 “militants” in Arakzai. One person was killed in a bombing at a hotel in Miramshah. The ISI kidnapped journalist Saleem Shahzad. Police arrested five people near the US Consulate in Karachi.


Two African Union soldiers and a Somali soldier were killed as Shabaab attempted to overrun a base in a suicide assault in Mogadishu. Three Shabaab fighters were killed during the failed assault.

Al Qaeda

Osama bin Laden tried to establish ‘grand coalition’ of militant groups


The Taliban killed five people in bombings and an assault on the PRT in Herat, and killed two ISAF soldiers in the east. An Afghan soldier killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Khost, Paktika, Paktia, Nangarhar, Wardak, Kunduz, and Balkh. ISAF apologized for […]


Insurgents killed two soldiers in Baghdad and two civilians in Mosul. Khalid al Obaidi, an Iraqiya politician who is a candidate to lead the defense ministry, was wounded in an IED attack in Mosul.


The Yemeni air forces bombed the city of Zinjibar after six soldiers were killed in an al Qaeda ambush. Security forces killed 20 people after opening fire on protesters in Taiz.


Security forces killed 11 people in attacks in towns near Homs on May 29. The government agreed to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy Agency inspection of a nuclear site at Al Kibar.


A bombing at a market in a military barracks in Bauchi killed 12 people, including 10 soldiers. Boku Haram is suspected of carrying out the attack.


Local officials in Helmand claimed ISAF killed 14 civilians in an airstrike in Now Zad. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Zabul, Khost, and Balkh. Afghan intelligence claimed Pakistan’s ISI is supporting the Taliban’s Badar offensive.


Prime Minister Maliki indicated he would consider allowing US trainers and advisers to stay past the December 2011 withdrawal deadline. Insurgents killed an Iraqi soldier in Baghdad and a civilian in Diyala.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has taken control of Zinjibar, the provincial capital of Abyan. More than “300 Islamic militants and al Qaeda men” are reported to have stormed the city after government forces left earlier this week.


Egypt’s state security service is interrogating an Iranian diplomat who is suspected of “spying for a foreign country to harm the interests of Egypt.” Iran has denied the diplomat was arrested.


Security forces have launched operations against anti-regime protesters in the towns of Rastan and Talbisa, just north of Damascus. Two people have been reported killed as tanks and helicopters were deployed.


A group of 70 heavily armed “Islamic militants” killed four policemen and two civilians during attacks on two police stations and a bank in Maiduguri. Authorities believe Boku Haram executed the attacks in Maiduguri.


Security forces killed two armed “militants” during a raid on a hideout in Kabardino-Balkaria. Kavkaz Center, a propaganda arm of the Islamic Caucasus Emirate, said the US designation of the terror group disproves Russia’s claim that the Caucasus Emirate is weak.


India protested the US’ continuing support of Pakistan via military aid. “This [aid] is being used against us, which is not a nice gesture on the part of [the] US and we have raised this issue with them many times,” the defense minister said.