Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The International Atomic Energy Agency will vote to require Syria to address the UNSC over its nuclear program. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights called on Syria to stop killing civilians.


The US is pressuring Egypt’s security services to re-arrest members of terrorist groups who escaped or were released from prisons during the uprisings this spring. Egypt and Hamas agreed to allow 550 people to cross into Gaza a day.


Police arrested Abdul Haris Syhuhadi, a 63-year-old Indonesian businessman, on suspicion of supporting Jemaah Islamiyah. Syhuhadi is said to have recruited members for Jemaah Islamiyah and spread its ideology.


The US killed 22 Taliban fighters in airstrikes in North and South Waziristan. Five “terrorists” and two soldiers were killed during fighting in Kurram. Pakistan expelled 90 US Special Forces trainers.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Zabul, Khost, Paktia, Parwan, Kunduz, Balkh, and Wardak. The Taliban killed two Afghan soldiers in Paktika.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq claimed credit for three recent suicide attacks that killed 25 people in Tikrit. Al Qaeda suicide bombers struck a provincial center, a hospital, and a military convoy.


Insurgents killed a police officer in Diyala and a civilian in Fallujah. Security forces detained 22 insurgents in Basrah and two more in Kirkuk.

Al Qaeda

Ayman al Zawahiri released a videotape that eulogized slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. “You shall not dream of security until we enjoy it and until you depart the Muslims’ lands,” Zawahiri said in a threat to the US.


Yemeni forces are fighting to retake control of the city of Zinjibar. President Saleh has suffered burns over 40 percent of his body and received a brain injury.

Saudi Arabia

An attack on a border outpost along the Saudi-Yemeni border that killed two Saudi troops may have been carried out by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters. The attacker opened fire on border guards as he attempted to enter Yemen.


Iran said it is producing and installing new, homemade nuclear centrifuges, and will triple production of nuclear fuel. The Iranian navy is said to have deployed submarines to the Red Sea.


Gunmen killed an intelligence official in Bannu. Security forces arrested four HUJI operatives in Faisalabad. The Taliban in Khyber bombed five tankers carrying fuel for NATO.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Zabul, Khost, Paktika, Logar, Nangarhar, Kunduz, and Herat. The Taliban killed an Australian soldier in the south. The UN may split the Taliban from al Qaeda on the terrorism list.


Security forces detained 10 suspected al Qaeda operatives during raids in the southern cities of Adana and Hatay. Adana hosts Incirlik Air Base, which hosts a US Air Force wing.


Fifteen Yemeni troops and 10 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during fighting in Zinjibar. The Yemeni government rejected opposition groups’ offers of talks to transition power.


Insurgents killed three people in a bombing at a policeman’s home in Ramadi and two policemen in Mosul. Security forces arrested four al Qaeda in Iraq operatives in Fallujah and Ramadi who are involved in assassinating clerics.


The military is deploying troops to Jisr al Shughour after the government claimed that more than 120 security personnel were killed there. Locals claim soldiers were killed during a mutiny by security forces sent to put down protests.


The government has recognized the Muslim Brotherhood as a legal political party that is able to participate in upcoming parliamentary elections. The Muslim Brotherhood’s party is being called the Freedom and Justice Party.


Boko Haram killed five people in attacks on police stations in Maiduguri. Ibrahim Birkuti, a Wahhabi cleric who has been critical of Boko Haram for killing security personnel and political officials, was gunned down in the town of Bui in Borno state. Boko Haram is suspected of assassinating the cleric.


The Taliban killed 11 Afghans in Logar, two police officers in Nimroz, and an ISAF soldier in the south; and kidnapped a teacher in Jawzjan. Twenty-three Taliban fighters in Badghis and 15 more in Kandahar reconciled with the government. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Ghazni, Zabul, Khost, […]


US Predators killed 18 terrorists in three separate Predator strikes in South Waziristan. A Taliban suicide bomber killed 18 people in an attack at a bakery in Nowshera.