Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Insurgents killed a policeman in Mosul, and a former Army officer and his son in Khanaqin. An Air Force major general from Anbar province and three of his brothers who were detained two months ago was released from prison.


Iran’s air force chief claimed that US-made F-14 fighters are still operational as engineers are “reverse engineering” parts for the warplanes. The army chief said it successfully test-fired a domestically made anti-aircraft missile system.


Syrian troops have begun their assault on Jisr al Shoughour, where an army mutiny last week resulted in the deaths of 120 troops. The military has deployed tanks and helicopter gunships, and is shelling the town with artillery.


Egyptian intelligence detained an Israeli man for “spying on Egypt with the aim of harming its economic and political interests.” The Israeli was identified as Ilan Chaim Grabel and is said to work for Mossad.

Al Qaeda

Panetta warns Pakistani intelligence officials on collusion with militants


Shabaab claimed credit for a suicide attack that killed Somalia’s interior minister. Shabaab said the bomb was “planted in his home by the mujahideen, and specifically under his bed,” according to a translation of the statement provided by the SITE Intelligence Group.


The Taliban killed 15 civilians in a bombing in Kandahar, a police chief and an officer in a suicide attack in Khost, and an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, and Kunduz.


Iraqi officials requested that Congressman Rohrabacher leave the country after saying Iraq should pay the US for the cost of liberating the country. Insurgents killed 10 Iraqis in attacks in Mosul and Tikrit. A US soldier was killed on June 8 while conducting combat operations in southern Iraq.

Al Qaeda

Announcement of Hamza bin Laden as Osama bin Laden successor posted, immediately removed on jihadi forums


Yemen’s Saleh health ‘bad’ a week after blast


The Defense Ministry claimed that 21 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and 19 soldiers were killed during clashes in Lawdar and Zinjibar. Six soldiers and three “gunmen” were killed in Lahj.

Al Qaeda

Somali troops killed Fazul Abdullah Mohammed during a shootout at a checkpoint near Mogadishu on June 8. Fazul was the head of al Qaeda in East Africa and a senior Shabaab commander. He was wanted for the 1998 suicide attacks on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania and other terror attacks.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed four Afghan police at a mosque in Kunduz. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Zabul, Paktika, Logar, Nangarhar, and Baghlan. An ISAF soldier died in a helicopter crash in the east.


The Hezbollah Brigades claimed Monday’s rocket attack in Baghdad that killed five US soldiers. The Iranian-backed group claimed it has rockets that are “ready to be used at any time to target enemy bases, especially its embassy.”


Six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in airstrikes outside the town of Jaar. Three soldiers and two members of the Southern Movement were killed in fighting in Habilayn. President Saleh’s son has effectively taken control of the government.


The Syrian military has begun to assault the town of Jisr al Shughour, where troops there last week mutinied and more than 120 security forces were killed. The military opened fire on protesters in Bosra al Harir, killing two.


A pair of suicide bombers attacked a port in Mogadishu; the two bombers and two security guards were killed. A Canadian Shabaab leader was killed in Mogadishu.


Twelve Taliban fighters and eight Pakistani soldiers were killed during a clash in South Waziristan. The Taliban killed four people in a bombing in Matni in Peshawar and two people in Dir, and destroyed a NATO fuel tanker in Khyber.


The Taliban killed nine members of a wedding party in Nangarhar and two ISAF soldiers in the south and the west. Eleven members of the Defense and Interior ministries were arrested in connection with a Taliban attack last month. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Khost, Logar, Wardak, […]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The US is reported to have killed Abu Ali al Harithi, a mid-level Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader, in a June 3 airstrike in the south. Harithi is said to be a senior commander in Shabwa province.


Insurgents killed three Iraqis, including a judge, in Baghdad. Security forces detained 42 wanted men in Wassit and a terrorist who assassinated a police chief in Ninewa.