Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Police arrested a German national of Turkish descent for plotting to conduct attacks in Germany. The suspect, a Muslim man identified as Yusuf O, is believed to be a member of the so-called “German Taliban Mujahideen,” trained in Waziristan, and has been seen in several propaganda tapes.


Six Taliban fighters and two Pakistan troops were killed in a clash in South Waziristan. Security forces killed four Taliban fighters in Mohmand.

United States

Yonathan Melaku, a US Marine Reservist from Ethiopia and a Muslim, was arrested inside Arlington Cemetery for carrying suspicious package labeled ammonium nitrate. He also had a notebook with phrases such as “Al Qaeda,” “Taliban rule,” and “defeated coalition forces” written in it.


President Karzai claimed the US is in peace talks with the Taliban. A suicide assault team killed nine people in Kabul. The Taliban killed nine security guards and torched 15 fuel and supply trucks in Ghazni and killed two ISAF troops in the south.


Al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq claimed it carried out the May 26 assassination of the Justice and Accountability chief. Security forces detained 57 wanted terrorists in Mosul. Insurgents killed two policemen and three civilians in attacks in Baghdad, Baqubah, and Ramadi.


Seven Iranian soldiers were killed in a minefield on the Iraqi side of the border in the Kurdistan area. Iran launched a second satellite into earth’s orbit.


Boko Haram said it carried out the suicide attack that targeted a senior police official in Abuja. “We are responsible for the bomb attack on the police headquarters in Abuja, which was to prove a point to all those who doubt our capability,” it said in a statement.


King Mohammed VI vowed to change the constitution to give more power to the parliament and the prime minister, as well as reform the judiciary. The king would still exercise power with the military, national security, and religious affairs.

The Taliban

The United Nations Security Council unanimously voted to delink the Taliban from the al Qaeda terrorism sanctions list. There are 138 Taliban leaders and operatives on the list.


The Pakistani military claimed it killed 12 Afghan Taliban during yesterday’s fighting in Bajaur. Tribesmen blocked a border crossing point in Chaman. The US will replace two Orion maritime aircraft destroyed in a Taliban attack in Karachi.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand and Khost. The Taliban killed two British soldiers in the south.


Security forces arrested al Qaeda’s governor for Salahuddin province and an associate in Tikrit. Insurgents killed a soldier in Baghdad, a policeman in Fallujah, and a civilian in Mosul.


An unnamed Saudi official claimed that President Saleh will not return to Yemen. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula took control of parts of the city of Huta in Jahj province. Ten AQAP fighters were detained in Abyan.


Security forces killed eight Syrians. Refugees in the north said that security forces are torturing and executing anyone suspected of opposing the regime.


More than 50 people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and clans from the Shabelle Valley. Slain al Qaeda and Shabaab leader Fazul Mohammed was carrying a fake South African passport when he was killed last week.


A suicide bomber killed one person and wounded several more in an attack on a police station in Abuja. Boko Haram is suspected of carrying out the attack.


A court found Abu Bakar Bashir guilty of “committing a criminal act of terrorism” by supporting a terrorist group in Aceh, and sentenced him to 15 years in prison. Bashir is the co-founder and spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Zabul, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Khost, Paktika, Logar, and Jawzjan. The Taliban beheaded two men in Farah and killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


The Taliban launched an attack from Afghanistan into the Bajaur tribal agency, killing five people. Harakat-ul-Mujahedeen chief Fazle-ur-Rahman Khalil lives openly in Islamabad.


Several Iranian troops are said to have been killed in a minefield on the Iraqi side of the border in the north. Gunmen killed a Kuwaiti, an Indian, and a Turk in an attack on a home in Hillah. An insurgent was killed in a premature detonation.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

The US government added Othman al Ghamdi to its list of specially designated global terrorists. Ghamdi is a former detainee at Guantanamo Bay and is now a top military leader for the terror group in Yemen.

Al Qaeda

Al Qaeda appointed Ayman al Zawahiri as the emir of the terror group. The official statement was released by As Sahab, al Qaeda’s media arm.