Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The director of Iranian intelligence claimed Iran arrested 30 “US spies” and an additional 42 people are suspected of helping the US. The Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines bypassed US sanctions by using shell companies.


Pakistani support for military action against militants drops: poll

Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan released an audiotape in German of a nasheed, or song, that praised slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. “The fact is that our best man and the Sheikh of Allah and the mujahideen is no longer amongst us,” the IMU said.


Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed filed a petition in court that called for the government to halt US Predator airstrikes on Pakistani territory. Saeed asked the court to order the government to release all information related to the “secret deals” between the US and Pakistan.


A suicide bomber killed two Afghans in Parwan. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south today and two more in the east yesterday. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Khost, Paktia, Paktika, Wardak, and Kunduz.


Security forces arrested a Brigadier General for links to Hizb-ul-Tahrir. A security official and four Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in South Waziristan.


A suicide assault team killed 25 Iraqis at an attack at a checkpoint outside of a provincial center in Diwaniyah. Insurgents killed two Iraqis in Mussayab and two more in Baghdad. Security forces killed two insurgents in Baghdad.


More than 100 Yemeni soldiers have been killed while fighting al Qaeda int he Arabian Peninsula in the city of Zinjibar. The military was forced to withdraw two artillery brigades from the city.


Parliament has moved to impeach Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi, an ally of President Ahmedinejad. Security forces arrested four Jundallah members in Sistan and Baluchistan,


Three people were killed during fighting in Luq. Hundreds of Somalis gathered in Mogadishu to support the killing of al Qaeda leader Fazul Mohammed.


Police arrested 58 members of Boko Haram during raids in the city of Maiduguri. Several Somalis were among those detained.


An Indonesian court has begun the trial of Abu Tholut, a senior Jemaah Islamiyah operative. Tholut procured M-16 assault rifles and other weapons for a training camp run by al Qaeda in Aceh.


US Predators killed 11 Taliban and Haqqani Network fighters in a strike in Kurram. A suicide bomber killed four people in Peshawar. The Taliban forced a young girl to become a suicide bomber.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Paktika, Laghman, Baghlan, and Takhar, and killed an Afghan Army infiltrator in Khost. The Taliban beheaded a Sheppard in Badakhshan and killed an ISAF soldier in the south.

The Haqqani Network

Siraj Haqqani, the operational commander of the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani Network, has threatened to strike at Afghan judges and courts if one of his fighters who was captured during the Feb. 19, 2011 attack on the Kabul Bank in Jalalabad in Nangarhar province is executed by the Afghan government.


Insurgents killed five civilians in attacks in Baqubab, Mosul, and Baghdad. Seven people were wounded in an IED attack on a French embassy convoy. Security forces detained al Qaeda’s media emir in Salahaddin and four men involved in assassinations in Baghdad.


President Assad said that “saboteurs” were behind the violence in Syria, and vowed to carry out political reforms. Syrians gathered in the streets throughout the country to protest Assad’s speech and demand real reforms.


Twenty-five Taliban fighters and four Pakistan soldiers were killed during fighting in Mohmand. The Taliban torched a tanker carrying NATO fuel and killed the driver in Quetta.


US Secretary of Defense Gates said Iran continues to support Shia terror groups in Iraq. Parliament banned the entry of the UN Special Rapporteur on Iran. The commander of the Basij said the UN is “a colonial institution and a puppet of arrogant powers.”


Twenty-five people were killed during fighting in Beledweyne between Shabaab and a pro-government militia. Shabaab executed two men in public in Mogadishu for “spying” for the government. Prime minister Farmajo resigned.


Twelve Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and nine soldiers were killed during fighting in an around Zinjibar, the capital of Lahj province. AQAP has been in control of Zinjibar for nearly a month.

Gates wary of cuts to defense budget