Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Police arrested an Internet jihadist known as Omid H. near Kassel. Omid supported al Qaeda and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan by publishing videos and statements with the intent to recruit new members and “incite … radicalism and ideological-motivated violence.”


Two men who claimed to be British citizens were arrested in Herat for working with the Taliban. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Wardak, Laghman, Baghlan, and Balkh.


Four people were killed in an IED attack in Jaffarabad. The Taliban torched a tanker carrying fuel for NATO forces.


The military claimed it killed two senior Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders, Aidh al Shabwani and Awadh Mohammed Saleh al Shabwani, during fighting in Zinjibar. Aidh is AQAP’s commander for Marib province.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula confirmed that two senior commanders, Ali Abdullah Naji al Harithi and Ammar Abadah Nasser al Wa’eli, were killed in a June 3 airstrike that was carried out by US forces.AQAP announced their deaths in Inspire.


Insurgents killed a policeman and two civilians in attacks in Diyala and Kirkuk. The US may transfer Hezbollah commander Ali Mussa Daqduq to Iraqi custody.


Shabaab reportedly captured the female minister of women and family affairs in Balad and arrested 20 people for dancing in Jowhar. The UN has declared a famine in two regions of Somalia.

The Taliban

The Taliban denied media reports that said Mullah Omar had died of natural causes. The Taliban claimed the US hacked their website and cell phones to spread the rumor.


A suicide bomber killed four Afghans in Herat. The Taliban killed four Afghan policemen in Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Paktika, and Nangarhar.


A British man was killed in a car bombing in Aden. Security forces killed an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader in Abyan. The leader of the Islah party survived an assassination attempt.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps claimed it shot down an unmanned US surveillance aircraft near the nuclear facility at the Fordo uranium enrichment site near Qom. Iran has previously claimed to have shot down two other US UAVs over the Persian Gulf this year.


Sheikh Mohammed Said Atom, Shabaab’s leader in Puntland, rejected calls to reconcile with the government. Two soldiers were killed as troops fought amongst themselves at the presidential palace.


Two Charged with Conspiring to Act as Unregistered Agents of Pakistani Government


The Chinese government claimed a clash at a police station in Xinjiang that resulted in the death of four people was a “terrorist attack.” The World Uyghur Congress claimed police beat 14 people to death and gunned down six more during a protest.


An Afghan policeman poisoned and then shot seven soldiers in Helmand. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Ghazni, Khost, Paktia, and Kunduz.


Eleven Taliban fighters and one soldier were killed during fighting in Kurram. Five Taliban fighters loyal to Mullah Nazir were killed in an IED attack in South Waziristan.


Insurgents gunned down a civilian in Kirkuk. Security forces detained three terrorists in Kirkuk. Iraqi forces closed the Tanaf border crossing with Syria due to fighting across the border.

Al Qaeda in Iraq

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, the leader of al Qaeda’s Islamic State of Iraq, released a eulogy for slain al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden. In the video, Baghdadi vowed to avenge bin Laden.


Iran is installing upgraded centrifuges to speed up the uranium enrichment process. India is seeking to purchase oil from Abu Dhabi and Saudi Arabia in case of disruptions in Iran’s oil supplies.


More than 20 “militants” are said to have been killed by Yemeni security forces in Jaar. Six people were killed during clashes between pro- and anti-government protesters in Sana’a.


Security forces killed 13 anti-regime protesters in the city of Homs over the past two days. The deaths occurred just days after Christians, Sunnis, and Alawites clashed in the streets.


Hezbollah Member of Parliament Mohammad Raad called for Lebanon to sever all contact with the Special Tribunal for Lebanon. “[Cooperation] with the tribunal should be severed because the court is targeting the Resistance,” Raad said.


“A large terrorist attack was averted at the preparation stage in the Moscow area,” said Russia’s Federal Security Service director. Four men from the North Caucasus have been detained in connection with the plot.