Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Paktika, and Wardak. ISAF is investigating the deaths of three Afghan civilians during a firefight with the Taliban in Wardak. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the west. Ambassador Crocker said the US does not seek permanent bases in Afghansitan.


Iranian artillery strikes on Kurdish villages inside Iraq have killed two civilians. Security forces detained six wanted men in Basrah.


US-trainer counterterrorism forces from the Republican Guards are being deployed against tribesmen in Arhab,and are reported to have killed more than 40 people. Sana’a was plunged into darkness after electricity was cut by tribesmen.


Iran accused the US and Israel of murdering a scientist who was involved with Iran’s nuclear program. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said an Iranian naval presence on the high seas “has made enemies nervous and worried.”


A report claimed that the wife of Omar Hammami (Abu Mansour al Amriki) was detained by the CIA in Hargeisa; the report is unconfirmed. Shabaab accused UN aid agencies of displacing Somalis in areas under their control.


The Taliban hanged the 8-year-old son of a policeman in Helmand. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Zabul, Ghazni, Khost, Paktika, and Balkh. Five “foreign fighters” were killed in Ghazni.


Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Kurram and arrested a Taliban intelligence official and his aide in Islamabad. A suicide bomber killed one soldier in an attack on a security checkpoint in South Waziristan.


Security forces killed three terrorists during an operation in the Russian Republic of Dagestan. One of those killed was Mekhtibek Bashirov, the leader of a group in the city of Derbent.


Security forces arrested 16 members of an al Qaeda assassination cell, including the terror group’s leader, in Baghdad. Insurgents killed a policeman in Baghdad.


A suicide bomber killed nine Yemeni soldiers and wounded 21 more in an attack on a military convoy in Aden. The convoy was traveling to fight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula in Zinjibar.


Shabaab beheaded two shepherds and displayed their corpses in Afgoye. The government of Puntland and Shabaab forces under Sheikh Atom agreed to a cease-fire.


Norway: Scouring the Web for Clues to a Suspected Attacker’s Motives


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban and IMU leaders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Logar, and Baghlan. Five foreign fighters were among seven terrorists killed during fighting in Ghazni.

Humvee With Chimney for Safety Draws Military’s Interest


Tribesmen stopped a convoy of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters from reaching Zinjibar; one AQAP fighter was killed. Police arrested four suspects in the bombing that killed a British citizen.


The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps denied that it shot down an unmanned US spy plane over a nuclear enrichment plant. An Iranian nuclear scientist and his wife were murdered in front of their home in Tehran.


Shabaab freed Asho Osman Aqiil, the female Minister for Women and Family Affairs, after arresting her in Bala earlier this week. Shabaab accused the United Nations of exaggerating the drought and famine situation in Somalia.

United States

A jury convicted Mohammed Wali Zazi of conspiring to obstruct the investigation of a terror plot and destroying bomb making materials. Mohammed attempted to cover up a plot by his son, Najibullah, to carry out bombings on New York City trains.


Security forces killed 50 Haqqani Network fighters during a raid on a training camp in Paktika. Security forces also killed and captured several Taliban and IMU leaders and fighters, and one civilian, in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, and Takhar. The Taliban killed five civilians in an IED attack in Faryab.


Insurgents killed five policemen and a doctor in attacks in Baghdad, Baqubah, and Kirkuk. The US has delayed the transfer of Hezbollah commander Ali Mussa Daqduq to Iraqi custody.


Security forces killed 11 people while attacking anti-regime protesters in Mleeha, Homs, and Idlib. Security forces deployed tanks against protesters in Homs, human rights activists said.


Shabaab’s spokesman said that foreign aid agencies were not permitted to distribute famine relief in areas under its control. Norway said that the famine in Somalia is a good reason to negotiate with Shabaab.