Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Logar, Sar-i-Pul, and Jawzjan. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south. Three civilians and a policeman were killed in Zabul after police tried to halt a funeral to recover the bodies of suspected Taliban leaders.


Iraqi troops killed a policeman and a boy during a raid in Tikrit. The Mahdi Army’s Promised Day Brigade claimed it carried out 16 attacks against US forces during July.


Ten people were killed as Somali troops looted aid for famine victims at camps in Mogadishu. US Secretary of State Clinton called on Shabaab to allow humanitarian relief to pass through territory it controls.


Rebels claimed that Khamis Gaddafi, one of the sons of the Libyan president, was killed in an airstrike that targeted and killed 32 soldiers in Zlitan. NATO did not confirm that Khamis was killed.


President Aquino met with Al Haj Murad Ibrahim, the leader of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, in Tokyo. Abu Sayyaf kidnapped a midwife in Barangay Tagbak.


The Taliban assassinated the NDS chief for Kunduz district. The Taliban and an Afghan policeman killed two ISAF soldiers in the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Paktia, and Baghlan. Ambassador Crocker said there is no room for the Taliban at the Bonn conference.


The Chief minister of Baluchistan denied the Quetta Shura and Ayman al Zawahiri are based in his province. The governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa said he supports ending the US Predator attacks in Pakistan. The Taliban torched a NATO fuel tanker in Mastung.


Security forces killed another 45 anti-regime protesters and other civilians during operations in Hama. More than 135 people have been reported killed in Hama since July 31.


Kenya’s tourism minister denied that he supports Shabaab. A UN report stated that Minister Balala donated more than $5,000 to a known Islamist and $2,000 to build a radical mosque linked to Shabaab.


Saif al Islam, President Gaddafi’s son, said his family would ally with Islamist terror groups, including the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. “Libya will look like Saudi Arabia, like Iran. So what?” he said.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released a short video showing a British and an Italian hostage who were kidnapped in May. No demands were made by AQIM, although the terror group is known to trade hostages for ransom.


Terrorists killed four Muslims in southern Thailand. Three civilians, including a teacher, were killed in Pattani, and another was killed in Yala.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Zabul, Paktia, and Kunduz. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the east and banned the sale of frozen chickens in Ghazni.


Insurgents killed seven Iraqis in Ramadi, three policemen in Baghdad, and two soldiers in Mosul. Two terrorists were killed in a premature detonation in Salahadin. Security forces detained six insurgents in Baghdad.


The Yemeni Air Force has killed more than 200 soldiers who refused to fight tribes in Arhab who are opposed to the government. Iraqi pilots have been hired to carry out the strikes. A tribe in the south has rejoined the fight against al Qaeda in Zinjibar.


Security forces have occupied the central square in the city of Hama after days of fighting and artillery strikes against anti-regime protesters. Human rights activists claimed 90 civilians have been killed in the fighting.


A Somali official claimed that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula sent 10 boats filled with weapons to Shabaab. Shabaab banned the Thaicom satellite service from operating in Jowhar.


A suicide assault team killed four people in an attack on a guesthouse in Kunduz. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktia, Paktika, Nangarhar, Wardak, and Baghlan.


Insurgents killed two Awakening fighters and two civilians in Khanaqin and two civilians in bombing in Baghdad. Fourteen Iraqis were wounded in a bombing at a church in Kirkuk.


US Predators killed 15 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in an airstrike yesterday in a village in Abyan province. Yemen’s Interior Ministry denied the report.


Shabaab claimed it killed three US trainers in a suicide attack on an African Union base in Mogadishu. A pair of Shabaab suicide bombers killed two African Union troops in the capital.


Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb killed two Algerian soldiers in an IED attack in the Tissemsilt region. Abdelkahar Belhad confirmed that Abdelkahar Belhad was killed when he carried out the July 25 suicide attack.