Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Shabaab has closed the offices of telecommunication and money transfer companies in central and southern Somalia. US “spy planes” have been spotted circling near the city of Beledweyne.

Muslim Brotherhood

A US diplomat admitted officials have met with members of the Muslim Brotherhood’s political front. “We have had direct contacts with senior officials of the Freedom and Justice party,” the diplomat said.


A Spanish judge ordered the release of five men detained on Sept. 27 on suspicion of supporting al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. The men are still under investigation and the judge ordered the men to report to authorities twice a month.


Religious Allegiances among Pro-Iranian Special Groups in Iraq


Special operations forces captured the Haqqani Network’s top commander in Afghanistan, along with his deputy and bodyguard. Afghan intelligence captured the Taliban leader who plotted the assassination of the head of the High Peace Council. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, Wardak, and Laghman.


General Perkins said al Qaeda has been severely weakened in the north. Security forces killed a suicide bomber in Mosul. Insurgents killed a doctor who works with the Army in Mosul and a security guard in Baqubah.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed three Yemeni soldiers in the contested city of Zinjibar. A Yemeni official claimed the government provided key intelligence that led to the deaths of Anwar al Awlaki and Samir Khan.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan Tali al Asiri is also thought to have been killed in yesterday’s Predator strike that killed Anwar al Awlaki and Samir Khan. AQAP has yet to confirmed that Asiri, Awlaki, and Khan have been killed.


Five people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and government forces in Mogadishu. US warplanes reportedly struck Shabaab camps in the El Bur area. Shabaab fighters chopped off a boy’s hand and foot for stealing and tore down advertisements in Mogadishu.


The Afghan government plans to suspend peace talks with the Taliban. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kapisa, Khost, Kunduz, and Jawzjan. A CH-47 landed after taking ground fire.


Insurgents killed 17 people in a car bombing at a funeral in Hillah. Security forces detained 23 wanted men in Basrah and 16 more in Diyala. Iraq may purchase more F-16 fighters.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

US and Yemeni officials said that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders Anwar al Awlaki and Samir Khan, both US citizens, were killed in a Predator strike in Al Jawf province. Five other AQAP operatives are also said to have been killed.


Shabaab forces launched a three-pronged offensive in the town of Dhobley in southern Somalia. Thirteen people, mostly fighters from a pro-government militia, were killed. Kenya has deployed forces to the border.


Police claimed to have arrested a “top commander” for Boko Haram and five fighters. A Christian extremist group known as Akhwat Akwop threatened to retaliate against Boko Haram attacks.


Exclusive: Concern grows over militant activity in Libya


Any US attack on militants in Pakistan unacceptable: Pasha