Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The Taliban killed a police chief in Herat. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Paktika, Logar, Ghazni, Zabul, Nimroz, and Kapisa.


Security forces killed a Lashkar-e-Islam leader and an associate in Khyber. The Swat Taliban reportedly agreed to peace talks with the government. The Taliban bombed a school in Mardan.

Al Qaeda

The Abbottabad commission said that Osama bin Laden’s wives and children are allowed to return to their home countires after being questioned. Bin Laden’s compound will also be turned over to local officials.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

US Predators killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Abyan province. The parents of AQAP propagandist Samir Khan are “appalled” the US killed their son, and described him as a “law-abiding” US citizen.


ICRC Begins Food Distribution In Somalia’s Islamist-Controlled Areas


Afghan intelligence arrested a six-man cell created by al Qaeda and the Haqqani Network that was assigned to assassinate President Karzai and carry out attacks in Kabul. US aircraft killed a senior Haqqani Network commander in Paktia. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Kandahar, Paktia, Wardak, and Nangarhar.


Insurgents killed a soldier in Baghdad and two civilians in Mosul and Ramadi. Security forces captured a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader in Mosul.


Twelve Ansar al Sharia fighters were killed in Ja’ar, and four soldiers and three al Qaeda fighters were killed in Zinjibar. The military killed eight civilians during shelling in Taiz.


Shabaab warned civilians to stay away from government institutions. “Somalis, we warn you: keep away from government buildings and the bases of their soldiers, more serious blasts are coming,” spokesman Ali Mohamud Rage said. Police claimed yesterday’s suicide bomber was a Kenyan.


James Jones, Ex-Obama Adviser: US ‘Paid a Price’ on Egypt


Truck carrying fuel to NATO troops set afire in Pakistan


Pakistani military aid linked with ‘cooperation’, says US embassy


Pakistan: Backlash for judge who convicted Taseer assassin


Iraq’s Maliki wins backing for US trainers, but no immunity


The Taliban killed three Afghans in an attack in Kandahar and an ISAF soldier in an IED attack the east. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Zabul, Khost, Wardak, and Laghman.


“Gunmen” executed 13 Shia travelers at a market on the outskirts of Quetta. Eight Pakistanis working for a US charity who were kidnapped in Baluchistan have been freed. Afghanistan claimed Pakistan refuses to help investigate the assassination of the chief of the High Peace Council.