Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Insurgents killed 16 Iraqis yesterday in a pair of bombings at a market in Sadr City. Prime Minister Maliki accused a neighboring country of inciting recent violence in Anbar province.


Ten people were killed during fighting between Shabaab and government forces in a village near Dhobley. Somali officials said they were

Palestinian Territories

Egyptian security forces in the Sinai intercepted a shipment of surface-to-air missiles that were destined for Palestinian terrorists in Gaza. Officials said the Palestinians purchased the weapons from fighters in Libya.


With friends like Pakistan, the US doesn’t need enemies


Iraqi authorities assume full control of Baghdad airspace


US Predators killed six Taliban fighters, including a Haqqani Network commander, in strikes in North and South Waziristan. Security forces killed six Taliban fighters in Arakzai and detained two terrorists in Islamabad. The Taliban torched three NATO fuel tankers in Shakarpur.


Security forces captured several Taliban fighters during raids in Helmand and Kandahar. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south and the east. CENTCOM said the Chinook that was crashed in Logar in August, killing 38 US and Afghan troops, was shot down by the Taliban with an RPG.


Security forces killed an al Qaeda leader in Salahadin, and captured an al Qaeda emir and an explosives expert in Mosul, and two terrorists in Kirkuk. Insurgents killed a woman in a bombing in Fallujah.


Yemen urges UN to avoid resolution against president


“Gunmen” kidnapped two foreigners working for Medecins Sans Frontieres at the Dadaab refugee camp near the Somali border. Kenyan officials suspect the al Qaeda-linked Shabaab may have executed the kidnapping, and have sealed the Somali border.


“Islamic hard-liners” vandalized several shrines and grave sites in and around the capitol of Tripoli. “Dozens of armed, bearded men wearing military uniforms” were seen destroying one Sufi site and digging up the remains of two saints.

The Haqqani Network

The US government signaled it was still willing to negotiate a peace deal with the al Qaeda-linked, Pakistan-backed Haqqani Network in Afghanistan. “We are not shutting the door on trying to determine whether there is some path forward,” US Secretary of State Clinton said.


Twenty-three Iraqis, including several policemen, were killed in a series of bombings in Baghdad. Ten of those who were killed died in a suicide attack at a police station in the capital.


An Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed a policeman in an attack on a police vehicle in the Al Tawahi district in Aden. The government claimed two policemen were injured in the attack.


One person was killed during fighting between Shabaab and government forces in the capital. Shabaab is reportedly sending additional troops to Mogadishu after the government claimed it ejected the remnants of the terror group.


US diplomats barred from travel without permission in Pakistan


US to pressure Iran over ‘plot to kill Saudi envoy’