Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Insurgents killed six people in a bombing in Narathiwat province. Six border policemen were wounded in a bombing while patrolling in the Bannang Sata district in Yala province.


The Taliban killed two soldiers in a bombing in Mohmand and a civilian in a bombing in Peshawar. Pakistani leaders made conflicting statements on the nature of a trade agreement with India.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Hemand, Uruzgan, Ghazni, Khost, and Paktika. A suicide bomber killed only himself in an attack in Paktia.


Eight Iraqis were killed in three separate bombings in Basrah. The Iran-backed Asaib al Haq said it would not lay down its arms until the US leaves. A US Army Brigade will be positioned across the border in Kuwait after the withdrawal deadline.


Eritrea denied reports that it is sending aircraft loaded with weapons to Shabaab forces fighting Kenyan troops in the south. Elders from the Eyr clan denied claims that it sent young men to fight for Shabaab.


The Taliban killed four children in Wardak, two policemen and a district police chief in Ghazni, and two ISAF soldiers in the east. Security forces captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Khost, Paktika, and Wardak.


Insurgents killed a soldier and two civilians in separate attacks in Anbar. A bomb planter in Mosul died when his explosives detonated prematurely.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

US counterterrorism forces are hunting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Nasir al Wuhayshi and senior bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan Tali al Asiri. Their profiles have been raised since Anwar al Awlaki was killed in a Predator strike.


Kenya warned Somalis in 10 southern towns to expect heavy fighting. Ethiopian troops crossed the border and entered the Galgudud area. An American and a Danish aid worker are thought to have been moved to Shabaab-controlled areas in Galgudud.


Al Qaeda’s flag was seen flying over the courthouse in Benghazi, the temporary seat of the government. The UNSC is “concerned” that weapons looted from depots will wind up in the hands of al Qaeda.


A Taliban suicide assault team killed five people, including three UN workers, in an attack on the UNHCR office in Kandahar; four Taliban fighters were killed in the attack. Security forces captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, and Paktia.


Insurgents killed four Iraqi soldiers in Diyala and two soldiers in Mosul. A senior Iraqi general said his country will not be able to defend its borders until 2020 at the earliest.


Iran FM says US buildup near Iraq lacks ‘prudence’


The Kenyan military called reports that its warplanes struck a refugee camp in Jilib “Shabaab propaganda.” The UN said the African Union is now in control of Mogadishu. The Somali military claimed 25 Shabaab fighters have defected.


Kenya: Conflicting Claims Over Use of US Drones in Somalia


Sana’a International Airport reopened after two Yemeni Air Force fighters were blown up yesterday; bombs were placed on 15 jets but only two detonated. Marib tribesmen freed an Uzbek doctor who was kidnapped last week.


US Predators killed six “militants” in North Waziristan. The ISI spied on German police trainers in northern Afghanistan, and may have been passing information on them to the Taliban.


Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Nimroz, Zabul, Khost, Paktia, and Nangarhar. The Taliban killed an Afghan intelligence officer in Ghazni, an Afghan soldier in Laghman, and an ISAF soldier in the south.

Saudi Arabia

A member of the royal family increased the bounty for capturing an Israeli soldier that was offered by a Saudi cleric from $100,000 to $1 million. Prince Khaled bin Talal said he offered the bounty to secure the release of Palestinian prisoners.