Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Terrorists killed 35 Pakistanis at a bombing in a bazaar in Khyber. The US killed four “militants” in the first drone strike in Pakistan in 55 days. Security forces detained a wanted Taliban leader in Nowshera.


The Taliban executed 10 Frontier Corps troops in Arakzai. The Taliban said it would release the video of the execution of 15 Frontier Corps troops who were captured in Tank and killed last week.


President Karzai’s spokesman said that the Taliban must agree to a ceasefire before peace talks can proceed. Karzai’s spokesman also said the government would not cede provinces to the Taliban. ISAF reportedly captured a senior Taliban commander for northern Helmand province.


Four security personnel and three “militants” were killed during a clash near the village of Tazen-Kala in Chechnya. Russian Interior Ministry troops assaulted a “well-fortified base,” which sparked the battle.


Insurgents killed seven people in two bombings in Baghdad and a soldier in Fallujah. Security forces detained four al Qaeda fighters in Karbala.


Ten civilians were killed during clashes between Shabaab and government forces in Mogadishu. Kenya officially joined the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). Shabaab threatened to attack Djibouti for sending troops to Somalia and accused AMISOM of shelling a mosque in Mogadishu.


Former President Pervez Musharraf said he will return to Pakistan at the end of the month; Senior Special Prosecutor Chaudhry said Musharraf would be arrested upon his return. The military wants the Taliban to abandon Arakzai and Khyber, but could remain in the five other tribal areas, as part of a truce.


The Taliban killed four policemen in Herat and a child in a suicide attack in Khost. An Afghan soldier killed an ISAF soldier in the south. The chief of border police in the east resigned after receiving death threats.

Saudi Arabia

The government has begun the trial of 16 al Qaeda operatives, including 14 Saudis, a Pakistani, and an Afghan, accused of killing a policeman and plotting attacks against military and government sites. The operatives are also accused of supporting and financing terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq.


Islamist parties won more than two-thirds of the seats in the parliamentary elections, according to preliminary results. The Muslim Brotherhood has won 41 percent of the seats, while the Salifist Al Nour party won an estimated 20 percent.


Security forces arrested Jermaine Grant, a British man who converted to Islam and is accused of plotting attacks for Shabaab, during a raid in Mombasa. Grant was radicalized in the same London prison as al Qaeda shoe bomber Richard Reid.


Boko Haram fighters killed three men who were playing poker near a church in Biu in Borno state. Boko Haram fighters also carried out a bombing and shooting attack in Mubi; no one was hurt.


The Taliban executed a teenaged male accused of spying for the government in Paktika. An Afghan policeman in Ghor killed two colleagues and a civilian. The US deployed an unmanned cargo helicopter in Helmand.


Security forces killed a leader of the Movement of the Taliban in Baluchistan during a raid in Karachi. The Taliban launched rocket attacks on an army base and a school in North Waziristan.


The Kenyan military claimed it killed 60 Shabaab fighters and destroyed nine technicals during airstrikes in Garbahare. Ethiopia said its forces in central Somalia will be replaced by African Union peacekeepers.


Boko Haram spokesman Abdul Qaqa claimed credit for the recent attacks and bombings in Gombe, Damaturu, Maiduguri, and Adamawa over the past two days. The government imposed a curfew in Adamawa after Boko Haram killed 12 Christians in a church.


The Taliban killed six children and an adult in an IED attack in Uruzgan, and killed five ISAF soldiers in two bombings in the south. The Taliban demanded that their prisoners who are held at Guantanamo Bay be freed in Qatar.


Security forces captured al Qaeda in Iraq’s “financial officer” and several aides during a raid in the Hamrin Mountains near Kirkuk. Vice President Hashemi, who is wanted by the government, set up an office in Sulaymaniyah in the Kurdish areas.


President Saleh has decided to stay in Yemen, sparking fears he does not plan on transitioning power. The state-run Yemen News Agency claimed that “the GPC and the Yemeni people want the President to remain in the country to participate fully in ending the crisis.”


The government said a “suicide terrorist” detonated a bomb in Damascus, killing 25 people and wounding scores more. Members of the Free Syrian Army reportedly met with representatives of the Arab League.


A Jordanian court upheld the five-year-long prison sentence for Isam Mohammed Taher al Barqawi, a radical Islamist cleric, for plotting terror attacks and recruiting jihadists. Barqawi, who is also known as Sheik Abu Mohammed al Maqdisi, was Abu Musab al Zarqawi’s mentor.