Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

A jihadist confirmed that al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operative Abdul Mun’im Salim al Fatahani was killed in the Jan. 31 airstrike in Lawdar, Yemen. He was involved in the October 2000 suicide attack on the USS Cole.


The Pumwani Riyadha Mosque in Nairobi is suing Chase Bank Limited for being “subjected to suspicion and accusations that they are traitors who sympathise, aid and abet the terrorist activities of Al Shabaab.” The mosque said Chase provided the UN with documents that linked it to the Somali terror group.


Boko Haram fighters killed four people during attacks on a police station and a bank in Kogi. The State Security Services said the captured Boko Haram spokesman is providing “very useful and verifiable information” during an “intense interrogation.”

Islamic Jihad Union details cooperation with Afghan Taliban

The al Qaeda-linked group claimed its fighters “help the Taliban in northern Afghanistan and provide them with military consultation” and are deployed in the Afghan provinces of Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Ghazni, Kandahar, Helmand, Nuristan, Badakhshan, Kunduz, and Balkh.


The Taliban killed three policemen in an ambush in Lakki Marwat. Security forces detained eight “militants” and seized a large cache of explosives in Khyber.


US Defense Secretary Panetta said the US would end its combat role in Afghanistan in 2013. NATO officials are confused over Panetta’s statement.


Boko Haram killed six people in a series of bombings in Maiduguri. Security forces killed 11 Boko Haram members during a clash in Maiduguri.


Pakistani aircraft killed 20 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. A package containing anthrax was delivered to the home of Prime Minister Gilani. Foreign Minister Khar dismissed a leaked NATO report that said Pakistan aids the Taliban as “old wine.”


The US and NATO want to end combat operations in Afghanistan next year. An Afghan soldier killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces detained three Taliban commanders and several fighters in Kandahar and Zabul.


Security forces detained al Qaeda’s minister of information in Mosul and 16 members of Vice President Hashemi’s bodyguard. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the Jan. 15 suicide assault in Ramadi that killed seven policemen.


“Gunmen” killed three Yemeni soldiers during an ambush in Marib province. Yemen’s electricity minister secured the release of six UN aid workers who were kidnapped by tribal fighters earlier this week.


The Kenyan military said it took control of the towns of Badhade and Hosingo south of Afmadow. The UN is considering increasing the number of African Union forces by 5,700.


Police claimed to have captured Abul Qaqa, the spokesman for Boko Haram, during a raid in Maiduguri. A Boko Haram splinter group calling itself the Vanguards for the Protection of Muslims in Black Africa announced its formation; its leader is Abu Usamata al Ansari.


Ten Pakistani soldiers and 25 Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Kurram. President Obama admitted the US is conducting drone strikes in Pakistan, and said that civilian casualties are low.


The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces captured Taliban commanders in Helmand and Khost. The Afghan government denied it is conducting talks with the Taliban in Saudi Arabia.


US drones killed 11 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders and fighters in Lawdar. Nineteen people were killed during clashes between Houthis and Salafists in Saddah and Hajjah. Six aid workers were kidnapped in Mahweet province. The information minister escaped an assassination attempt in Sana’a.


A suicide bomber killed two guards at the home of a former warlord in Galkayo. Shabaab forces clashed with Somali and African Union troops in Mogadishu. President Sharif called for an end to the arms embargo on Somalia.


A suicide bomber killed an Ansar-ul-Islam leader and three others in Peshawar. Police said they killed the Taliban’s leader for Dera Ismail Khan. One security official was killed in an IED attack in Tank.


Security forces captured an al Qaeda facilitator in Paktia. Thirty Taliban fighters reconciled with the government in Herat. NATO reiterated its commitment to ending combat operations in 2014.


Insurgents killed two policemen in Diyala province. The US is considering discussions with Iraq to expand defense cooperation.