Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Shabaab said it captured the town of Diif on the border with Kenya and also said its “cartographers will soon redraw the geographical boundaries carved up by inebriated colonial masters in preparation for Islamic Khilaafa.” Shabaab and government forces clashed in the Karaan area of Mogadishu; the Somali government claimed it repelled the attacks.


“Gunmen” killed four people in attacks in Maiduguri. Boko Haram’s spokesman said the terror group “will launch a number of attacks, coordinated and part of the plan to eradicate Christians from certain parts of the country.”

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb splinter group, has demanded a $39 million ransom for three European hostages. The two Spanish nationals and an Italian national were kidnapped in Algeria last October.


A suicide bomber in Charsadda killed a policeman and a woman in an attack that targeted the former interior minister. Foreign Minister Khar said Pakistan has abandoned the concept of strategic depth.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed a soldier in Dar al-Nasr in Baydah province. AQAP killed another soldier in a bombing in Mukallah.


A suicide bomber killed only himself during a premature detonation near a Burundian military base in Mogadishu. Seven Shabaab fighters and five Puntland security personnel were reported killed during fighting near Bosaso. Kenya is considering withdrawing from Somalia in October.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb released an Italian aid worker who was kidnapped in Algeria in October 2011, and a Malian gendarme who was kidnapped in December 2011. In exchange, Mali reportedly freed an AQIM operative from Mali known as Abderrahmane Ould Amadou al Azawad.


The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, an al Qaeda splinter group, claimed credit for a suicide attack against gendarmes in Tamanrasset that wounded 22 people. The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa was established in December 2011 to conduct attacks in West Africa.


Fifty-five Pakistanis, including 10 soldiers were killed in fighting and a suicide attack in Khyber. The Taliban killed an intelligence officer and a Chinese woman in Peshawar.


Five US soldiers and a translator may be punished for the burning of Korans. The Taliban killed an intelligence official in Uruzgan. Seven people, including four ISAF soldiers, were wounded in a suicide attack in Kandahar.


Ansar al Shariah, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s political front, claimed it killed a CIA officer in Aden; the military denied the report. Twenty-two Houthis were wounded in a bombing at a anti-US rally in Saada.


The Kenyan military killed 30 Shabaab fighters in an airstrike in Hirigle. Somali and African Union forces claimed to have ejected Shabaab forces from their last strongholds in Mogadishu.


The Joint Task Force killed four Boko Haram members during a clash yesterday in Borno. Officials blamed Boko Haram for a bomb blast at a factory in Maiduguri that killed three people.


Security forces killed 18 Taliban fighters during shelling in Kurram and Orakzai. Officials claimed NATO forces wounded six people in cross-border mortar attacks. Secretary of State Clinton said Pakistan is not justified to detain a Pakistani doctor who aided in the hunt of Osama bin Laden.


An Afghan soldier and a teacher killed two ISAF soldiers in Kandahar province. The Taliban killed two policemen in attacks in Panjshir and Uruzgan. The UN said the US soldiers who burned Korans should be punished.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula reportedly captured a battalion commander after ambushing his convoy in Abyan. Yemeni soldiers and airmen continue protests calling for the ouster of their commanders.


Fifteen people were killed in Garbaharay during clashes between Shabaab and the pro-governemnt Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a. The governor of the Bay region said Baidoa is “safe” after Shabaab abandoned the city last week.


Police detained more than 50 Somalis during a raid at the Hagarder refugee camp in northern Kenya after a bombing at a police station in the town. Police suspect the men of having links to Shabaab.


Security forces arrested two Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives in New Delhi. “They were planning to detonate a bomb or more than one bomb in a crowded locality,” India’s home minister said.


A court acquitted Lal Masjid cleric Maulana Abdullah Aziz of two counts of treason for supporting the Taliban in South Waziristan and inciting against the military. The Lashkar-e-Islam killed a woman and a child in a bombing in Khyber. NATO aircraft reportedly violated Pakistani airspace over South Waziristan.


A suicide bomber wounded six Afghans in Helmand. NATO said the Koran riots have not affected the security transition.


Insurgents killed two soldiers and two policemen in Touz Khormato, three civilians in Baghdad, and a soldier in Mosul. The spokesman for the government said more than 69,000 Iraqis were killed during the insurgency between 2004 and 2011.