Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Insurgents killed eight Iraqis in attacks in Tarmiyah, Baqubah, and Sadiyah. In Tarmiyah, gunmen killed the mayor’s bodyguard and four women in their home.


The US killed three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters on March 11 in an airstrike in Jaar. The spokesman of the Houthis said the tribes are preventing them from ousting the Americans from Yemen.


Ethiopian troops will withdraw from Baidoa and Beledweyne in April, and will be replaced by 2,500 Djiboutian, Burundian, and Ugandan soldiers. Shabaab ambushed Kenyan troops between Taabta and Qoqani; five Shabaab fighters and several Kenyan troops were killed.


The death toll in yesterday’s grenade attack at a bus station in Nairobi has risen to seven. Security forces detained four suspected Shabaab fighters, including foreigners.


Iran stands by Syria, blames US for unrest


Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Mudiyah in Abyan province. Security forces arrested four Shabaab fighters in Mudiyah.


Shabaab claimed that 81 Ethiopian soldiers, including a colonel, were killed during yesterday’s fighting near Luuq. Shabaab also claimed the US Treasury is initiating the shutdown of its Twitter page.


A Boko Haram suicide bomber killed three civilians in a bombing outside of a church in Jos. The suicide bomber was stopped before he could enter the compound. Boko Haram claimed credit for the attack.


The military claimed it killed 33 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. Four civilians and two Pakistani troops were killed during clashes with the Lashkar-e-Islam in Khyber. The government banned the Ahle Sunnat awl Jamaat, formerly the Sipha-e-Sahaba, but no action has been taken against it.


At least 38 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and commanders are reported to have been killed in airstrikes in Jaar and Al Baydah. Abdulwahhab al Homaiqani, the commander for Al Baydah, is said to have been killed.


Heavy fighting was reported after Shabaab attacked Ethiopian forces in the village of Yurkut near Luuq. Shabaab claimed it killed 73 Ethiopian soldiers and lost five fighters. Somali officials claimed 48 Shabaab fighters were killed. Ethiopia did not disclose casualties.


Four people were killed and 42 were wounded in a grenade attack at a bus station in Nairobi. A Shabaab fighter is said to have been arrested and confessed to carrying out the attack.


A Boko Haram spokesman denied that his group was responsible for the kidnapping and murder of a British and an Italian hostage during a failed raid late last week. More than 100 Nigerian and British soldiers and two helicopters were used during the raid in Sokoto.


US Predators killed 13 “militants” in a strike in South Waziristan. The Taliban killed seven Pakistani soldiers in North Waziristan and a tribal militia leader in Arakzai, and threatened the military and government if Osama bin Laden’s widows are not freed from prison. Prime Minister Gilani named the new chief of the ISI.


The US agreed to transfer control of the Parwan Detention Facility to the Afghan government in six months. The Taliban killed a civilian in a bombing at a Sufi shrine in Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Paktia, Wardak, and Laghman.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula announced the death of Mohamed Ahmed al Haniq, the commander for forces in Arhab in Lahj province. Haniq died of natural causes. One of his sons died fighting US forces in Iraq, another was killed in a US airstrike in Yemen.


Shia Houthi rebels killed a military officer and six bodyguards in an attack at a checkpoint in Amran. Yemeni troops returned fire, killing three Houthi fighters.


“Gunmen” killed a civilian and wounded three policemen in an attack on a police station in Kano. British special forces carried out the failed raid that resulted in the deaths of a British and an Italian hostage.


The US is investigating charges that the Afghan Air Force is involved in drug smuggling. The Taliban killed nine policemen in Uruzgan. Security forces captured two IMU leaders in Badakhshan.