Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


The death toll in yesterday’s suicide attack near a Christian church in Kaduna rose to 36; a suicide bomber carried out the attack. the The Joint Military Task Force defused a car bomb in Kano.


Pakistani helicopter gunships killed 14 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. The Pakistani military is still searching for 135 soldiers who are trapped after an avalanche on the Siachen Glacier.


The US and Afghanistan signed an agreement with respect to night raids; Afghanistan has been given veto authority. Security forces killed and captured dozens of Taliban commanders and fighters during raids. The Taliban killed three civilians in an IED attack in Paktiya.


Security forces dismantled a 25-member Anasr al Islam cell that conducted robbers and attacks in Baghdad; Ansar al Islam is allied with al Qaeda in Iraq. Former Saddam deputy Izzat Ibrahim al Douri appeared on a video and urged Baathists to fight the government.


US drones killed eight AQAP fighters in Shabwa; Yemeni aircraft killed 16 AQAP fighters in Al Koud. The international airport in Sana’a was reopened one day after the former chief of the air force shut it down in protest for being dismissed.


One of Prime Minister Ali Abdiweli’s advisers and a member of parliament were among those killed in the April 4 suicide attack at a theater in Mogadishu. Ten people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and a government-backed militia near El Bur.


Boko Haram killed more than 20 people and wounded dozens more in several bombings outside of a church in Kaduna on Easter day. A suicide bomber appears to have been deployed as part of the attack.


Forces loyal to the former commander of Yemen’s air force, the brother-in-law of former President Saleh who was dismssed on Friday by President Hadi, shut down the airport in Sana’a. The capital was plunged into darkness as forces loyal to Saleh attacked power lines from Marib.


Shabaab claimed that African Union forces “have lost the initiative” in Mogadishu after the terror group conducted a “tactical withdrawal” last summer. The Somaliland government detained two journalists in Los Anod.


The Tuareg rebel National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad’s representative in Paris said the group “has clearly stated its demarcation from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb” and said it is prepared to “act within the framework of a mobilization of all countries concerned by this curse.”


A Pakistani intelligence official claimed Lashkar-e-Taiba emir Hafiz Saeed is involved in de-radicalizing jihadists in Punjab. Security forces detained 12 terrorists and seized suicide vests in Peshawar. The Taliban bombed a girls’ school in Mohmand.


The Taliban killed the head of Kunar’s peace council in a suicide attack, four policemen in separate attacks in Helmand, and an ISAF soldier in the east. The foreign minister said US drone attacks would no longer be launched from Afghanistan after 2014.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed himself in a premature detonation while attempting to assassinate an intelligence official in Aden. President Hadi fired the chief of the air force, who is also former President Saleh’s half brother.


Ethiopian and Somali forces took control of two more towns in Bay province. “Gunmen” killed a Somali journalist outside of his home in Beledweyne. Somaliland security forces detained three men and a woman with French passports.


A prominent Shia sheikh said the US and the CIA are behind the bombings in northern Nigeria. The US and the United Kingdom issued travel advisories for citizens visiting Nigeria.


A suicide bomber killed three people in an attack in Karachi. The Foreign Office said Pakistan would not accede to US pressure to turn over Lashkar-e-Taiba leader Hafiz Saeed.


Yemeni warplanes killed 10 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Abyan. AQAP claimed credit for the bombing of gas pipelines in Shabwa.


One hundred African Union troops from Uganda and Burundi deployed to Baidoa. Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Dhere vowed to step up suicide attacks in Mogadishu. Heavy fighting between Somali and Shabaab forces was reported near Bardera.


Boko Haram fighters opened fire at a crowded market in Maiduguri, killing seven people. The State Security Services arrested four people and seized 60 IEDs in Gombe.


Tuareg rebels from the MNLA declared a ceasefire and announced the establishment of their Azawad state in northern Mali. The Ansar Dine, which has allied with the MNLA, has called for the establishment of a sharia state in Mali.