Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Shabaab beheaded a businessman and dumped his body in Eel Adde after accusing him of being a spy for the government. AMISOM is aiding the government’s investigation into the suicide attack at a theater in Mogadishu.


Security forces killed three suspected Boko Haram fighters in Maiduguri. The Joint Military Task Force raided a Boko Haram bomb factory in Kano.

AQAP commander thought killed in US drone strike

Mohammed Saeed al Umda (also known as Ghareeb al Taizi), who trained at al Qaeda’s Al Farouq camp in Afghanistan and has been listed as the fourth-most-wanted man in Yemen, is believed to be dead. A second strike killed three AQAP fighters in the south.


The proposed US-Afghan strategic pact calls for the US to provide for Afghanistan’s security for 10 years and prevents attacks on neighboring countries. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the east. President Karzai barred a US Congressman from entering the country.


Seven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in two airstrikes in Shabwa and Abyan provinces. “Gunmen” killed a security official in Hadramout. AQAP said it would execute 73 Yemeni soldiers on April 30 if AQAP fighters in prison are not released.


Shabaab killed two Ethiopian soldiers in an IED attack in Beledweyne. Ethiopian troops reportedly executed three men after the attack. One person was killed after Somali troops attacked a police checkpoint in Mogadishu.


The US Embassy in Nairobi issued a warning to American citizens of “a possible attack on Nairobi hotels and prominent Kenyan government buildings.” The embassy said the plot ‘is in the last stages of planning.”

Death of al Qaeda Shura member confirmed by widow

Abu Miqdad al Masri’s widow confirmed his death as well as the deaths of two of their sons in a US drone strike in Darpa Danda Khel in North Waziristan on Oct. 14, 2011. The strike took place one day after senior Haqqani Network leader Jan Baz Zadran was killed in the same town.


The Taliban bombed two schools and a medical clinic in Peshawar and Dera Ismail Khan. Of the 384 prisoners who escaped from a prison in Bannu, 143 have either returned or been arrested.


The military claimed that 20 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during airstrikes in Lawdar and Samda. A Frenchman working for the Red Cross was kidnapped in Hudayda.


Three people were killed in mortar attacks in Mogadishu. Shabaab is pressing dock workers in Kismayo to fight in their army. Seven pirates were killed during clashes between rival groups in Mudug.


Five Boko Haram fighters died in a premature detonation as they attempted to plant a roadside bomb in Biu. The district is one of five in the north under a state of emergency.


The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand. Security forces captured Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand and Khost.


The NDS detained three Pakistani Taliban fighters and two Afghans involved in a major plot to attack Kabul; 10,000 kilograms of explosives were also seized. Security forces targeted an IMU leader in Baghlan.


Insurgents killed four civilians in a pair of bombings in Baghdad. Prime Minister Maliki said Turkey is becoming a “hostile state” after Prime Minister Erdogan accused him of fanning sectarian tensions.


The military claimed 10 Saudi and three Somali al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed while fighting in Abyan. Eight people were killed during clashes between Salafists and Houthis in Saada. A military officer in Aden was reportedly arrested for supplying weapons to AQAP.


Puntland security forces arrested 15 Takfiri clerics in Galkayo and accused them of supporting attacks in the area. Somaliland pulled out of talks with the central government.

Boko Haram

Nigeria: Government Opens Secret Detention Centre for Boko Haram


The military claimed that 27 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during clashes and airstrikes in Zinjibar and Lawdar. Two soldiers were killed during fighting near Zinjibar. The Interior Ministry said that AQAP is planning a suicide assault on the LNG plant in Balhaf.


Burundian forces captured the Daynille airstrip in Mogadishu. One person was killed in a mortar attack in the capital. Two Shabaab commanders in Qoqani defected to the government.

Escaped Pakistani terrorist seen on Taliban video

The Taliban released video of Adnan Rasheed, a terrorist involved in an assassination attempt against former President Musharraf who was among the nearly 400 prisoners to have escaped a prison in Pakistan’s northwest.


Security forces killed 25 Taliban fighters and detained four more in Kabul, Nangarhar, Baghlan, Kunduz, Balkh, Helmand, Zabul, Logar, Ghazni, and Farah. An ISAF helicopter crashed in the southwest; four US soldiers are thought to have died. NATO called on China and Russia to help fund Afghan security forces.


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 36 people in bombings and suicide attacks in 10 cities throughout the country. Hezbollah commander Musa Ali Daqduq is expected to be freed from Iraqi custody, his lawyer said.


The CIA wants to expand the drone campaign in Yemen, including the use of “signature strikes” against groups of armed fighters. Yemen LNG plans to restart exports in May after its infrastructure was attacked in March.