Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Two Taliban fighters and a soldier were killed in fighting in Kunar. Six Taliban fighters died in a premature detonation in a mosque in Paktia. Security forces foiled a suicide attack in Kabul and captured an IMU leader in Kunduz.


In the latest release of Inspire magazine, slain al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Anwar al Awlaki called for chemical and biological attacks against the US. Former President Saleh’s son stepped down from commanding the 3rd Brigade of the Republican Guard.


Kenyan troops opened fire on Shabaab military camps in Qoqaani. Shabaab is recruiting students from schools in Kismayo. “Gunmen” killed a Somali journalist in Galkayo.

Bin Laden told Shabaab to hide al Qaeda ties

The letter from al Qaeda’s emir to Shabaab leader Sheikh Muhktar Abu Zubayr confirms an August 2010 report from LWJ that detailed al Qaeda’s instructions to downplay links between the two terror groups.


A Taliban suicide assault team attacked a civilian compound in Kabul, killing five people just hours after President Obama left the country. The Taliban announced the beginning of its 2012 spring offensive, and killed two ISAF soldiers in the east. Security forces killed 25 Taliban fighters.


The Yemeni military said it killed 15 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in airstrikes on a camp in Ja’ar. A second Yemeni security guard died of wounds from yesterday’s attack on a convoy in Hadramout. AQAP is distributing free gas and electricity to people living in areas under its control.


Shabaab arrested four businessmen and clan elders in Afgoye for links to the Somali government. AMISOM appointed a Ugandan general to lead forces in Somalia.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb offshoot, demanded $30 million for the release of two European women aid workers and $20 million for the release of seven Algerian diplomats. The group also wants Algeria to free prisoners.


President Obama is in Afghanistan to sign a security pact with President Karzai. Security forces killed 19 Taliban fighters. Insurgents killed three policemen and two security guards in an attack on a NATO convoy in Farah.


Insurgents killed 88 civilians, 20 soldiers, and 18 policemen in attacks in April. Iraq’s crude oil exported reached the highest level in decades.


“Gunmen” in Hadramout province wounded Total’s French security chief and killed his Yemeni bodyguard. A Swiss teacher who has been kidnapped by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula pled with the Swiss government to negotiate her release.


A suicide bomber killed three members of parliament and another Somali in an attack in Dusamareb. Eleven people were killed after Shabaab attacked Somali and Ethiopian troops in Hudur.


“Gunmen” killed three Christian traders in an attack in Potiskum. Security forces killed a Boko Haram fighter during a raid in Kano.

Droning on

A discussion at C-SPAN on the US’s use of unmanned aircraft in counterterrorism and military operations.


Security forces killed 12 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters outside of Lawdar. AQAP confirmed that Mohammed Saeed al Umda was killed in the April 22 US drone strike; al Umda served as Osama bin Laden’s bodyguard in Afghanistan.


AMISOM claimed it has defeated Shabaab in Mogadishu, and the al Qaeda-linked group has been expelled from the capital. Shabaab took control of Radio Markabley in Bardere.


A Boko Haram suicide bomber killed 11 people and wounded more than 20 in an attack on a police convoy in Jalingo, the capital of Taraba state. A senior police official who was traveling in the convoy escaped unhurt.