Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Security forces killed 29 Taliban fighters in Paktika, Paktia, Ghazni, and Kabul. The Taliban killed seven Afghan policemen in the east and west, and four education officials in Paktika. NATO plans to apologize for recent airstrikes that killed civilians.


An Iraqi court ordered the release of Hezbollah commander Musa Ali Daqduq, but he will remain in prison as his case is appealed. INTERPOL issued a Red Notice warrant for Vice President Tariq al Hashemi.


Al Qaeda has about 500 operatives in Egypt, according to Nabil Naim, a leader of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad.”It doesn’t have a large number of men” in Egypt, Naim claimed.


Yemeni officials are angry that the US did not inform the government of an airline plot hatched in the country. The US is sending military trainers back into Yemen.


Nine people were killed using heavy fighting in Mogadishu. Security forces prevented a suicide attack and captured two suspected bombers at a checkpoint in Mogadishu. “Gunmen” killed a Somali soldier and an immigration official in the capital.


Afghan officials claimed 20 civilians, including women and children, were killed in ISAF airstrikes in Helmand and Badghis. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in an attack in the south.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula overran two bases in Al Koud and Dawfas, killing 32 soldiers and capturing 28 more. Tribesmen killed AQAP commander Bassam Al Sayed in Radfan in Lahj province. AQAP denied it plans on freeing a Saudi diplomat and a Swiss hostage.


Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a and Shabaab forces clashed in El Bur. Shabaab attacked government troops in Beledweyne. Shabaab dismissed its commander in Afmadow and arrested 15 civilians for criminal activity.


Two Taliban insurgent leaders killed during combined operation in Faryab


Nangarhar: Khogyani Militants Force Closure of Schools Over Insurgent’s Arrest


The Taliban killed nine Pakistani soldiers in an ambush in Miramshah, two men in an attack on an anti-Taliban elder’s home in Kurram, and one person in a bombing in Dir. The Taliban also bombed schools in South Waziristan and Mohmand.


The Taliban killed six Afghan soldiers in Badghis and an ISAF soldier in the south. An Afghan soldier killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces killed two Taliban commanders and three fighters in Badghis, and killed several fighters in Helmand.


The US killed senior al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader Fadh al Quso in a drone strike in Shabwa. The government may deport two Belgians who are accused of plotting terror attack. The interior minister expects a kidnapped Saudi diplomat and a French teacher should be released within 48 hours.


Security officials said that al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb “occupies a dominant position in the three areas of northern Mali.” The officials said that AQIM is working through Ansar al Dine, and Tunisian, Libyan, and Moroccan fighters are entering the theater.


A “terrorist network” active in several cities and linked to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb was broken up, a Moroccan security official said. The leader of the “Mujahideen of Morocco,” who has links to AQIM’s network in other countries, was detained.


US drones killed 10 militants in North Waziristan. Pakistan’s parliament condemned the US strike and said such attacks are “a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.” Sixteen Taliban fighters surrendered in Kurram.


The Taliban killed five policemen in Nangarhar and a teacher in Wardak. ISAF killed a Taliban commander and six fighters in an airstrike in Wardak and five more in an airstrike in Faryab.


Security forces killed 13 Taliban fighters in Helmand and Laghman, and detained several commanders and fighters in Khost, Ghazni, and Kunduz. The Taliban killed two British soldiers in Helmand.


Human Rights Watch accused the Kenyan military and police of abusing ethnic Somalis in North Eastern province. The abuses are in response to IED and other attacks by Shabaab fighters in the region.