Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Seven Yemeni soldiers and 16 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in airstrikes and fighting near the cities of Zinjibar, Lawdar, and Jaar. Yemeni officials said two Saudi fighters were killed during recent airstrikes in Marib. AQAP bombed an LNG pipeline in Shabwa.


Security forces captured Ali Bakaari, a Tanzanian national who is a senior Shabaab leader in Kismayo. The National Security Service detained a Shabaab fighter as he planted a bomb near Mogadishu.


Arsala Rahmani, senior member of the Afghan High Peace Council, was gunned down in Kabul. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the east. Security forces killed our Taliban commanders and four fighters in Ghazni and Kunar.


Insurgents killed four Iraqis in attacks in Ramadi and Baghdad. The Kurdistan Regional Government denied that it was hosting the Israeli Mossad.


Three civilians were killed in grenade attacks in Mogadishu. The government signed a memorandum of agreement with the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.


Police released a photo of Ahmed Khaled Mueller, a German national who is believed to be working with Shabaab to conduct attacks in Kenya. Mueller is also known as Andreas Martin Muller and Abu Nusaibah.


Afghan policemen killed two British soldiers in Helmand. The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in two separate attacks in the south and four policemen in Badghis. The Taliban executed two criminals in Nimroz. Five Taliban and HIG fighters were killed during clashes in Ghazni.


US drones killed 11 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, including an Egyptian, in two strikes in Marib. Yemeni officials denied that US troops are in combat in southern Yemen.


Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in Khyber. Six more people were killed during fighting between Lashkar-e-Islam and Ansar-ul-Islam in Khyber. Three civilians were killed in a mortar attack in Khyber.


Two Taliban fighters and a civilian were killed during fighting in Farah. An Afghan soldier killed an ISAF soldier in the south. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. HIG suspended peace talks with the Afghan government.


Yemeni military officials claimed that eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders were killed in a “strike” in Jaar in Abyan. US trainers have arrived in Yemen. Senior officials said that the military is preparing to storm Zinjibar.


The governor of Bakool said that the 17 Shabaab fighters killed yesterday were blocking supplies to Hudur and looting trucks. “Gunmen” killed two security officials in Puntland.


The federal government called for Boko Haram to join peace talks and suggested a ceasefire. Three explosions were reported in Maiduguri.


The FSB said it broke up a plot to attack the 2014 Winter Olympics at the Black Sea city of Sochi. Security forces seized vast stores of weapons, including surface-to-air missiles, in Abkhazia, and said the plot was ordered by Caucasus Emirate leader Doku Umarov.


A suicide assault team killed two policemen and three civilians in Paktika; the six suicide bombers were also killed. The Taliban killed eight Afghans in Helmand and four policemen in Badghis. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Uruzgan, Paktia, and Ghazni.


US drones killed eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Jaar. Yemeni aircraft killed five more AQAP fighters in Jaar, and 10 more in Zinjibar.


A Somali member of parliament claimed that 17 Shabaab fighters were killed during fighting in Hudur. Shabaab claimed its forces killed 10 Somali and Ethiopian troops in Bay and Bakool provinces.


The Taliban killed five policemen in an IED attack in Herat and closed a girls school in Ghazni after killing the headmaster. More than 100 schoolgirls are thought to have been poisoned in Balkh. Security forces detained several Taliban fighters in Helmand, Ghazni, and Wardak.


Insurgents killed four people in attacks in Diyala province. Turkey said it would not extradite Vice President Hashemi despite an INTERPOL red notice for his arrest.


A Saudi double agent within al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula provided information on the latest underwear bomb plot and intelligence that led to the drone strike that killed Fahd al Quso. President Hadi refused an offer by Salafist clerics to mediate between AQAP and the government.


Three Shabaab fighters died in two separate premature detonations while planting IEDs in Mogadishu. Shabaab arrested more than 100 tribal elders for attempting to travel to the capital to participate in the drafting of a constitution. The leader of Somali Religious Council called the draft constitution un-Islamic.

Bin Laden docs hint at large al Qaeda presence in Pakistan

Badr Mansoor led just one Pakistani “company,” and has been reported to have more than 2,000 fighters under his command. For the last three years, the US government has maintained that al Qaeda has only 300 to 400 operatives in Pakistan and that the network is on the verge of defeat.