Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Yemeni troops killed 11 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in the south. More than 160,000 Yemenis have been displaced from Abyan due to fighting. Abu Musab al Zarqawi’s nephew is fighting alongside Ansar al Sharia.


Omar Hammami released the first part of his autobiography, which detailed his path to jihad and fighting in Somalia. An Ethiopian general said his country’s forces would take control of Kismayo. A military tribunal in Hargeisa sentenced 17 people to death for killing three policemen.

Omar Hammami on drone strikes

The American jihadist commander in Somalia said US airstrikes do not impact Shabaab’s fight against the Somali government and have not caused rifts between “the global element of this Jihaad from the local element.”


Six policemen, a civilian, and four Taliban fighters were killed during a suicide assault in Farah. The Taliban assassinated a senior police commander in Kunduz. The US added a Taliban financier who has funneled money to both al Qaeda and the Taliban, and a Haqqani Network operative who serves as a top aide to Badruddin […]


US drones killed two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Hadramout. The military claimed it ejected AQAP from Lawdar, Modia, and Al Wadea. A senior Southern Movement leader is urging his followers to fight AQAP.


Shabaab and government forces clashed in Garbaharey; two civilians were killed and Shabaab poisoned wells in the town. Three soldiers were killed after Somali troops fought amongst themselves.


A man claiming to be a Boko Haram spokesman said the group is prepared to talk to the government. Police found bombs in two schools in Kano hours after the schools were attacked by Boko Haram.


Police arrested a Lashkar-i-Jhangvi operative in Sohrab Goth in Karachi. The British, French, and Australian embassies received packages containing a suspicious powder and threatening letters.


ISAF killed nine insurgents in an airstrike in Paktia and three more during operations in Kunar. The Taliban killed two policemen and a soldier in Badghis and Badakhshan. Germany pledged $150 million annually after 2014; Australia promised $100 million.


Kenyan troops killed two businessmen in Taabta after their base cam under attack. “Gunmen” killed two people in Mogadishu and Baidoa.


A police officer was killed and four more were wounded in an IED attack in Lagdera in Garissa county. Police arrested a suspect in the bombing of a Mombasa nightclub that killed one person.


The Minister of Police Affairs said that Boko Haram has conducted 118 attacks and killed 308 people so far this year. The attacks have taken place in in Bauchi, Borno, Kaduna, Niger, Yobe, and Plateau states.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa, an al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb offshoot, has threatened to kill a Spanish hostage. A Mauritanian court upheld the death sentence of an AQIM fighter who killed an American in 2009.


Pakistani jihadists are reportedly moving into northern Mali to train al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb fighters in guerrilla warfare, weapons, smuggling, and other areas. The Pakistanis are said to have entered via Algeria and are present in Timbuktu.


Pakistan has delayed the decision on the issue of reopening NATO supply lines to Afghanistan; the US is confident the supply lines will be reopened. Security forces detained one of Hakeemullah Mehsud’s commanders in Peshawar.


More than 250 students in Khost were hospitalized after being “poisoned.” Security forces detained 14 insurgents, including two Pakistanis, in Kandahar.


The trial of Vice President Hashemi, who is outside the country, has begun. Security forces arrested five Ansar al Sunnah members in Kirkuk and “four Syrian infiltrators” in Mosul.


US drones killed eight civilians and seven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in two strikes in Jaar. Seventeen AQAP fighters and three security personnel were killed in fighting in Lawdar. US troops are helping coordinate the Yemeni military offensive against AQAP.


EU Naval Force helicopters attacked a pirate base on land. Shabaab fighters reportedly abandoned bases in the Galgadud region. Ethiopian troops killed two civilians after getting hit in an IED attack.


The Taliban killed a member of Faryab’s provincial council and eight Afghans. Security forces killed 11 Taliban fighters in Paktika and Faryab. The Mullah Dadullah Front claimed credit for yesterday’s assassination of a senior member of the Afghan High Peace Council.


Insurgents killed five Iraqis in bombings in Fallujah and a policeman in a bombing in Kirkuk. Iraq is poised to overtake Iran as the number one oil producer in OPEC.