Author Archives: Bill Roggio

Bill Roggio is a Senior Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and the Editor of FDD's Long War Journal.


Insurgents killed three Lebanese Shia pilgrims in Ramadi, three civilians in Baqubah, and two policemen in Kirkuk. The central government informed Turkey that it required permission to build a pipeline to move oil from Kurdistan.


Twenty-two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and seven Yemeni soldiers were killed in fighting in Zinjibar, Jaar, and Bajidar in Abyan province. A Yemeni newspaper claimed that the AQAP suicide bomber who struck in Sana’a was freed from a prison.


Somali and African Union troops are advancing on Afgoye, and are currently fighting Shabaab forces in Elasha-Biyaha. Shabaab claimed it assassinated the African Union’s “head of operations” for the Daynille district in Mogadishu.


The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier. The NDS captured 13 “rebels” and disrupted a Taliban plot to attack a USAID office in Jalalabad. US Ambassador Ryan Crocker is resigning earlier that expected.


Insurgents killed six people, including four children, at the home of an Awakening member in Baqubah. Iraq wants drones to protect its oil platforms, facilities, and infrastructure.


A Yemeni official said that yesterday’s suicide bomber at a parade rehearsal in Sana’a was a soldier. A Spanish embassy guard who went missing in Sana’a last week has been found and is thought to have committed suicide.


Shabaab claimed it killed 27 Somali and African Union troops while repelling an assault in the Daynille district in Mogadishu. Somali and African Union troops captured the town of Sabyo north of Afgoye.


Police arrested two suspected Boko Haram fighters who were plotting to bomb government offices in Abuja, including the Police Headquarters, and the Federal Ministry of Information and Communication. Police also arrested a suspect in the bombings at the Bayero University in Kano.


NATO’s secretary general said its countries are not running for the exit. New Zealand will withdraw its forces from Afghanistan one year early. NATO will close down ISAF’s combat command and transfer operations to the Afghan military. General Allen said that about half of the “green-on-blue” attacks have been carried out by Taliban infiltrators.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed more than 90 Yemeni troops as they practiced for a parade in Sana’a. President Hadi dismissed three senior military commanders after the Sana’a attack. AQAP killed two soldiers in the south.


A Taliban suicide bomber killed two US soldiers and two civilians in Uruzgan. Security forces killed 10 Taliban fighters in the east. The Taliban called for NATO to leave Afghanistan.


Eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters, four soldiers, and five civilian militiamen were killed in fighting in the south. Three US trainers for the Yemeni Coast Guard came under attack in Hodeida. AQAP emir Nasir al Wuhayshi urged his followers to continue fighting the military.


A suicide bomber killed 13 people in an attack in Khost. Special operations forces captured the Taliban’s liaison to the Peshawar Shura during a raid in Kunduz. The NDS arrested three members of the Mullah Dadullah Front in Kabul and two suicide bombers in Kandahar.


Insurgents killed a police captain, his wife, and three young children, in an attack at his home in Baghdad. The government is planning on building a $1 billion power plant in Anbar province.


Thirty al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and 13 Yemeni soldiers were killed during fighting outside of Jaar. The governor of Abyan claimed that Jaar would be liberated from AQAP within days and that Lawdar is now free of AQAP influence.


Eight people were killed in two bombings in the Bakara market in Mogadishu. Kenyan and Somali troops clashed with Shabaab in Taabta.


The government will prosecute 11 people for forming a Shabaab cell and plotting to conduct attacks inside the country. A Kenyan national is among those charged.


Security forces found a Boko Haram bomb factory in Jos. The US and Nigeria will discuss Boko Haram, and the Justice Department has begun pressing for Boko Haram to be labeled a foreign terrorist organization.


The Taliban killed two US soldiers in a rocket attack and three civilians in a mortar attack in Kunar. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters as they were planting an IED in Wardak.


Insurgents killed five people in a bombing at a pet market in Baghdad. Security forces detained five al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Wasit.